Berry Cobbler

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        Sadly (Y/n) was currently in London. She had to leave Japan due to work, but she most certainly was not looking forward to work. She had to leave shortly after she got back home from visiting Saiki's grandparents. This was one moment (Y/n) kinda wished she wasn't famous. She could have an ordinary, or mostly ordinary, life style.

"Sweetie, if you want to go around and explore London a little more, why don't you go have some fun?" Haruhi asked, sitting on her daughter hotel bedroom bed. They rented out all the suites of the hotel, each member of the family getting their own rooms. Tamaki and Haruhi shared one, Kyoya had one to himself, the twins shared one, and Hani and Mori shared one. (Y/n) got one all to herself, since Haruhi thought it would be nice to let her daughter experience kinda what it's like to live alone if she ever decides to move out. Always good to start early.

"You sure?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm sure," Haruhi smiled. "Besides, you can find some souvenirs for Kusuo and his family, right?"

"Good point," (Y/n) got out of the large comfy chair and stood, stretching her back. "What time should I be back?"

"Just before dark," Haruhi tossed her daughter her phone, since (Y/n)'s been staying off of it to focus on her work. "Any later, we'll be coming out to find you, alright?"

"You got it mom," (Y/n) caught her phone and put it in her pants pocket. "I'll come back around 6. I'll text you if anything happens, alright?"

"See you later hon." Haruhi waved goodbye to her daughter, who left the bedroom to get her shoes on.

(Y/n)'s been wandering around London for a little while. She went on the London Eye for a while, but what really surprised her was seeing a familiar head of blond hair.

"Hey there (Y/n)!" Kusuke Saiki, Saiki's older brother by about 3 years, greeted her. "It's been forever since I've seen you!"

"Still flying around and being a genius I see," (Y/n) said from inside the London Eye. "Better hope your jetpack doesn't run out of gas, hate for you to suddenly fall."

"Oh don't worry! I made sure to put some gas in!" He announced. "Listen! Kusuo, mom, and dad are here in London! Seems my little brothers control device broke because of a baseball! They're on the ground! I'll see you there!" And off he flew to go to his family.

(Y/n) quickly got off when she was able to, and ran over to the Saiki family. "Kusuou! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm just relaxing my entire body so I don't end up breaking anything," Saiki was currently in a wheel chair, and only moved his head to look at his friend. "I see you've met up with my brother once again."

"More like he found me," (Y/n) gave a nervous smile. "Apparently you guys were on the London Eye before I was, and he ended up finding you before me. How he found me, I don't know."

"Oh my gosh it's so good to see you again!" Kusuke ran over and nearly tackled the girl in a hug. "How long has it been since we've seen each other? 4? Maybe 6 years?"

"About 5 years, Kusuke," (Y/n) didn't hug him back, and now was trying to pry him off of her. As much as she loved the Saiki family, Kusuke seemed to be very strange to her. "I am happy to see you though."

"My my," Kusuke pulled away from the hug but kept his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders. "Seems you've gotten even prettier than I remember. Mom sends me photos of you and my baby brother whenever she gets the chance to. You're even cuter in person." Kusuke knew about Saiki's long term crush on (Y/n) Suoh, and he always makes sure take advantage of that fact.

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