Strawberry Shortcake

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Uh, hi. So, I'm really sorry it's been over a month since I had last updated this story, but I've been having a terrible time trying to sleep for the past couple of months. Just recently dark circles started to appear under my eyes. I don't use my phone before I sleep and my mind just doesn't let me sleep even though nothing is bugging me. I'll close my eyes and try to sleep and 4 hours have passed, it'll be 2 in the morning and I don't fall asleep until 5. I get up at 6. I have been having a horrible time trying to sleep, so sorry about the complete lack of updates and overall just me not being around.

Anyways, filler chapter cause I don't have enough time to watch the anime and my creativity tank is out.

"Pft!" (Y/n) spit out her water, seeing her childhood friend. Why was (Y/n) laughing so much? Well, because (Y/n) now sees her boyfriend, in his older brothers body. Kusuke even somehow got Saiki in some sort of machine, probably promising sweets afterwards, and now they've switched bodies. Kusuo Saiki is now in Kusuke's body, and Kusuke Saiki is now in Kusuo's body. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing! This is your absolute nightmare, and here we are! I can't believe you agreed to something like this!"

"Shut, up," Kusuo said from his older brother's body. He had a very familiar scowl on his face, one that Kusuke couldn't even copy. "And did you really have to spit water at me?"

"Hey, I didn't even know if that was you until Kusuke spoke in your body, and he had a smile that I haven't seen in a very long time," (Y/n) said, wiping the water from her chin and started cleaning up the water that was on the table. "Anyways, did you agree to this because he promised some kind of sweets?"

"No, he had his telepathy canceling antenna thing, and he snuck up on me and had us switch bodies," Saiki sighed. "It's very annoying, and what's worse is that my idiotic brother is now in my body, with my powers. This is not good, not good at all."

"Agreed," (Y/n) sighed. "Do your parents know about this whole body switching thing?"

"Do you really think he would tell mom that he was going to switch bodies with me, considering even I'm not used to my own powers?" Saiki asked, looking at the girl with a deadpanned expression. Yeah, this is not gonna end well.

"Good point," (Y/n) said, and grabbed Kusuke by the back of Saiki's school uniform. "Kusuke, you and Ku should really switch back into the right bodies. He has powers that you don't have, and that you don't know how to control, this is seriously dangers."

"Oh wow, so this what it's like to talk in each other's minds," Kusuke said, fascinated to now see what it's like for his younger brother to communicate with (Y/n). "This is amazing!"

"Stop that!" (Y/n) yelled in her head, her facial expression showing exactly how she was feeling.

"He's talking to you through telepathy, isn't he?" Saiki asked, sighing.

"Yep," (Y/n) dragged Kusuo's body over to the couch, and set him down. "Kusuke, get out of Ku's body. This is seriously dangerous."

"I will, if you give me a kiss," Kusuke said. "It's not cheating if I'm in your boyfriend's body."

"No way," (Y/n) shook her head. "Unless Ku's brain is in his body, I am not kissing anyone."

"Awe come on," Kusuke whined. "I wanted to know what it was like kissing you."

"You're dead." Saiki nearly tried to strangle his own body, but (Y/n) had to hook her arms under his, using her own body weight to counteract Saiki pulling against her. (Y/n) did not realize how tall Kusuke's body was, and she was starting to struggle a little.

"Calm down Ku! You don't want to strangle your own body!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to get the younger brother of the Saiki family to calm down. "Besides! I'm sure we can find a solution to this!"

"I'm gonna go try using your powers now." Kusuke said, and disappeared. That caused (Y/n) and Kusuo to stop all movements, and watch as Ku's body had suddenly disappeared.

"Oh no!" (Y/n) started to panic. "He doesn't know your limitations! Oh gosh!"

"Calm down (Y/n)," Ku said, trying to get his girlfriend to calm down. "I'm sure if we tell mom, she'll be able to convince him to get back here and switch us back."

"Didn't you forget your parents are on an island with my parents, where there is no reception?" (Y/n) asked, blinking a few times.


"Ok I'm going to call Uncle Kyoya," (Y/n) sighed, and grabbed her brand new (whatever brand of phone you have) phone, and went to her contacts. She pressed on Kyoya's number. "Hi uncle!"

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Kyoya asked.

"Well, you remember Kusuke Saiki, right?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if her uncle remembered the prodigy.

"I remember him, why?" Kyoya asked.

"Well, he switched Kusuo and his brain, so now Kusuke is in Kusuo's body and Kusuo is in Kusuke's body," (Y/n) tried to explain the best she could. "But here's a small problem, Kusuke is using Kusuo's powers, and we don't know where he is. Can you see if there are any abnormalities within the city?"

"I can certainly look," Kyoya said, typing away on his computer. "It seems he's near the park, about an hour away from your current location. Do you need a ride?"

"That would be greatly appreciated," (Y/n) sighed in relief. At least Kusuke hasn't left Japan. "Can you please send some officers who can at least knock Kusuke out? We can try that knock out gas you've been working on."

"Wait what?" Saiki asked.

"One sec," (Y/n) put a finger up to her boyfriend, telling him to give her a moment. "Please hurry uncle."

"On it." And the call was dropped.

"Gas?" Saiki asked.

"Well, uncle thought it would be a good idea to try and make some knock out gas for if you ever decided to turn evil," (Y/n) explained. "He didn't know if you would suddenly go bad, so we were developing a knock out gas to just, well, knock you out."

"Ok that's understandable," Saiki shrugged. If the roles were switched with his and (Y/n)'s life, he probably would have his uncle develop a knock out gas just in case as well. "Now let's go."

"Oh wow," (Y/n) laughed, seeing a knocked out Kusuke in Kusuo's body. "Looks like he doesn't know how to use your shields."

"That was quite fast," Kusuo said. "Let's get back to the lab and see if we can switch us back, because I do not like it that he was using my body."

"I'll accompany you," Kyoya said, walking over to the two teens. "You're going to need a genius to help you there."

"I genius?" (Y/n) looked around. "I don't see one."

That earned the girl a chop to the head by the black haired adult.

"Finally," Saiki said, finally back to his own body. Kyoya switched the brothers back into their correct bodies. "I am never letting him go near me again."

"Understandable," (Y/n) said, dragging Kusuke out of the machine and laid him down on the couch that was for some reason, in the lab. "Now then, I think we should go clean up his mess."

"Already taken care of," Saiki said. "We should go back to your place. It's far from here and there's coffee jelly in the fridge."

"How'd you know we had coffee jelly?"

"I looked in the fridge with my powers."

"Of course you did."

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