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I have nothing against religion! I myself an secular, but that doesn't mean I hate religion. In this chapter, MC isn't going to get involved with any conversations that involves religion and God, so there is no confrontation between religions and secular people down in the comments below.

"I. Hate. New Years." Saiki said, visiting a shrine with his mom and dad, along with (Y/n) along with her family.

"You hate pretty much everything" (Y/n) laughed, as she watched her twin uncles both ringing the bell like crazy, while Tamaki was yelling at both of them to stop, and how it was disrespectful. "What do you plan on wishing for this year?"

"I'm not. If there really was a God above us, he would've groaned my wishes of wanting to be alone and not have these powers." Saiki sighed. He didn't want to be in the crowded area. "There are too many voices around me, and I can hear them all. All of these are the stupidest wishes I've ever heard in my life."

"Don't worry. It will be over soon." (Y/n) reassured her friend, patting him on the shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Why don't you listen to your parents thoughts? I'm sure you could tease your father on whatever he wishes."

"But I do that every year." Saiki said, sighing. "I'd rather listen to your fathers thoughts around this time. IT's way more funny, and there's always some kind of ridiculous logic in his thoughts and wishes."

"Don't remind me. I hear them ever year, even when we're not together. Just listen to this years, and you'll probably laugh on the inside." (Y/n) said, pointing to her father, who was up at the shrine with is wife.

"I wish for my daughter to remain single forever! And that no man will take her away form her loving and loyal father! I wish for (Y/n) to never leave the family!" Tamaki wished, wanting to keep his precious 16 year old daughter home with him.

"I wish Tamaki wouldn't wish for keeping our daughter home, aunt hat she'll find someone worthy of her. I wish the twins would stop influencing her to be a trouble maker, and that Kyoya senpai wouldn't spoil her with things she wanted. I wish Hani senpai wouldn't try and give (Y/n) a cavity with all those sweets, and Mori senpai would also stop being so protective. I also wish she would have a great future with whoever she would end up with." Haruhi wished, wanting her daughter to have more freedom from her family, but that wasn't possible at the moment. Until they're all six feet under, they'd be the protective family of (Y/n) Suoh.

"What did your mom wish for?" Saiki asked, who was mainly focusing on Hikaru and Kaoru's thoughts, hearing all the troublesome things they were planning, along with the few things they were already doing to cause some troublesome things already.

"She was wishing for Uncle Hani to not give me a cavity, Uncle Mori to not be so protective, the twins to stop being a troublesome influencer on me, and my dad to not try and keep me home and away from boys. The usual thing." (Y/n) sighed, but smiled a little bit. This was one reason why she chose her mom over the other members of her family sometimes, she gave her some more freedom. "What were your parents wishing for?"

"Mom was wishing for another great year with the family, while dad was wishing for money, like always." Saiki said, sighing. "Dad never changes."

"Oh boy. Next thing you know, he's going to wish for you to have friends." (Y/n) laughed a little, knowing what Saiki's dad could've been wishing for. It wasn't something unusual to her.

"Saiki?" A gentle yet unwanted voice asked. The two turned to the side, only to see Teruhashi.

"I hate you and my dad." Saiki said, knowing both of them had jinxed him.

"And then he's going to wish for you to have friends." (Y/n) teased.

"Hey there buddy!"

"Saiki! It's good to see you!"

"I hate you, and I hate my dad, so much right now. You both have just doomed me." Saiki said, ready to punch his dad and (Y/n) for jinxing him with Teruhashi, Nendou, and Kaido.

"You love me. Admit it." (Y/n) teased, and walked away. "I'm going to go spend some time with my family. Have fun with being jinxed."

"I hate you."

​​​​​​​"Love you too."

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