Jelly Doughnuts

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Guess who stayed up till 4 thinking about some kind of filler plot about MC's past because they are an uncreative little gremlin. Yeah, so, yeah. After this and class, I'm gonna go back to bed for a couple of hours before I have more school work to do. Bye bye.

"So you said another rich child is going to be coming over to your house to talk to your family about business?" Saiki asked with a lollipop in his mouth.

Saiki and (Y/n) were at (Y/n)'s place, the parents down stairs in the living room as the two 11 year old's were in (Y/n)'s room, enjoying some candy.

"Sadly," (Y/n) said, blinking a few times. "His family wanted to talk some business with dad and Uncle Kyoya, but the rest of my uncles wanted to come listen to the business proposals because they have heard of the Saiko family, especially Uncle Kasanoda, which does not sound like a good thing honestly."

"I don't recognize the name." Saiki honestly hasn't heard of the Saiko family before. He honstly hasn't cared that much.

"Their family isn't one of the most popular known ones." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "They were hoping to get more money by partnering with dad and Uncle Kyoya."

"There's going to be a lot of no's. I can practically hear it," Saiki said, blinking a few times. "And I don't need telepathy to already know that."

"If something bad happens, teleport here and save me please," (Y/n) begged her friend. She's already dealt with other spoiled rich kids that would have their parents try and strike a deal with her parents, which usually didn't work. Sometimes there would be a business deal but there were very little benefits to the family, since Kyoya is the devil in disguise when it comes to deals and contracts. As for (Y/n), having other rich kids try and be nice to her while she could hear their thoughts on them planning on outshining (Y/n) or steal some of her stuff, which they never do cause (Y/n) always catches them, it was a pain in her butt. "I will just push the kid out of my room and lock the door. Do you want me to text or call you?"

"I think texting me would be better. Besides, you can just text your parents saying that you were going to be teleported over to my place because the weirdo kid is bothering you," Saiki got off (Y/n)'s bed and gathered up some of his candy. "I should head home. Mom and dad want my help with some stuff."

"Be sure not to destroy your house out of frustration because of your father," (Y/n) remembered last time Saiki got really irritated with his dad, he nearly blew up the house. How did (Y/n) know this? She was there. "I don't want to be telling Uncle Kyoya that we need a new excuse on why your house blew up cause your parents can't lie for their lives."

"I promise I won't," Saiki gave a small smile. "Try not to murder the kid."

"I'll try." (Y/n) waved goodbye to her friend before he teleported off back to his house.

"(Y/n) sweetie, come downstairs," Haruhi said from (Y/n)'s bedroom door. She wasn't going to enter because she didn't know if Saiki and (Y/n) were both busy talking to one another, since the both of them communicate with one another using telepathy. "Mr. Saiko and his son Metori are downstairs wafting to greet you."

"Coming mom." (Y/n) got off her king sized bed and went to her bedroom door, opening it to show her mother.

"I'm going to guess Saiki went home?" Haruhi asked, walking with her daughter downstairs.

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