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"Luckily it looks like you just teleported the entire hotel away instead of making them just, disappear," (Y/n) looked around at the damage that was done. "But I can see a ship down there. Saiki, can you bring it up for me please?"

Saiki nodded, and used his levitation powers and brought up a large ship, along with some skeletons. "If there's treasure on this ship, it must be of equal value that the hotel is."

"At least it's an easy switch back," (Y/n) poked one of the skeletons by the cheek. "But we should get them back before they all start to panic. We don't want this to be getting out with the media."

"Good point," Saiki made an easy switch. Now the hotel was here with the electricity now working. "That was really close."

"It came back!" Toritsuka smiled. "So everything's fixed now, right?"

"Not yet," Saiki held up his hand and faced the purple haired boy. "Give me back the antenna you pulled out."

"I didn't even notice it was gone," (Y/n) patted the spot where his head was supposed to be. She smiled a little. "It's been a while since I've seen you without your antennas in. I forgot how nice it was to play with your hair without those things sticking out."

Saiki's face went a little red, before he hid his face from his friend by turning more towards to the purple haired boy.

"Your little barrette thingy is gone?" Toritsuka asked, not even noticing that the little pink ball was gone. "I didn't even notice."

Saiki got close to the boys face, a menacing aura around him. "Give it."

"Hey don't hurt me!" Toritsuka protested. "I didn't take your little pink ball I swear! With ghosts as my whiteness I don't know anything about your antenna. I'm telling the truth! Believe me!"

"He's actually telling the truth," Saiki was a little shocked to know that it wasn't Toritsuka. "So who did do it?"

"Teruhashi," (Y/n) said, already knowing. "She hasn't been back since she went out looking for you with Yumehara to play Uno with you and the guys."

"How do you know that?" Saiki asked, not even noticing that (Y/n) had disappeared.

"I went back to the girls room quickly to see who might be missing, and so they don't think I went missing," (Y/n) explained. "But Teruhashi's bed looked like no one had slept in it."

"I'll use clairvoyance to find her," Saiki crossed his eyes, and saw Teruhashi, unharmed. "Good she's alright." And then he saw a bear. "She's not alright!" And he teleported off.

"Hey wait!" Toritsuka tried to stop the boy from teleporting off.

"He's already gone," (Y/n) sighed. "It is best if goes after her, he can get his antenna back and probably rescue her from whatever danger she might have put herself into. Our best option is to try and cover up where they had gone."

"Hey (Y/n), if you don't mind me asking, why do you sound sad?" Toritsuka asked, noticing the slight change in (Y/n)'s voice once Saiki had already disappeared to go after Teruhashi.

"What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked, and started to walk along the beach. Part of her didn't want to talk about her feelings, so she uses the excuse of going on a walk to clear her head. "I'm not sad."

"I noticed the sound in your voice," Toritsuka followed her, and walked next to her, but luckily made no moves. If he did, he'd have the entire Ootori private police force coming for his butt. "You sounded sad when Saiki went after her. Are you, jealous?"

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