Boba Tea

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Hello. I'm alive, somehow. Sorry I've been gone for so long. Tendinitis, college classes, high school classes (I'm taking college classes while in high school through a partnership program), and recently my feet have all been getting in the way. For my feet, the arches are hurting whenever I walk for too long with or without shoes, and I have martial arts training and whenever I try to do a jump or something, the arches of my feet will hurt and sometimes so badly it will hurt my calf's, so it hurts to stand. And standing is pretty important for martial arts, so, yikes. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

"Who knew it was going to be so cold today," (Y/n) watched the scenes from outside fly by as she sat in the Hitachiin family limo. Her mother and father insisted on her taking a limo to school due to the cold weather, but because of their work, Haruhi asked the twins if they could drop (Y/n) off at school. Tamaki obviously protested, but Haruhi said either their daughter walks to school in the cold or she gets a ride from the twins. Tamaki agreed that the twins will come get her, even though he still doesn't trust them with his child. "If I knew sooner, I would have worn a warmer jacket."

"Not sure that would've helped you anyways," Hikaru said, sitting next to his twin. "Even if you have leggings on under your skirt, you would still have to wear your uniform, which don't have long skirts."

"So a warmer jacket wouldn't be much help," Kaoru said. "You would need a longer and heavier jacket instead. We can start a clothing line for those kinds of jackets for everyone."

"You should, they'd be a lot of help to people who need them," (Y/n) smiled. "Thanks again for dropping me off to school today."

"Anything for our niece!" They smiled.

The limo pulled up to in front of the school.

"I better get going," (Y/n) opened the door and stepped out. "I'll see you guys after school."

"Bye!" The twins waved before (Y/n) closed the door, and the limo drove off.

"Oh hey there Suoh!" Nendou greeted with a smile on his face. "Didn't expect to be running into you!"

"Hi Nendou! Hi Kaidou!" (Y/n) greeted with a smile. "Hi Saiki. Did you guys walk here? It's too cold for you guys to be walking. Do you want me to ask my uncles to drop you guys off after school?"

"Yes please!" Kaidou screamed, hating the cold. "Let's get inside! It's so freezing out here!"

"Are you sure your uncles would be ok with taking us home?" Saiki asked his best friend as the small group went inside.

"I'm sure," (Y/n) smiled. "Also, I've been looking into finding some jewelry made with different metals and other gems to see if any of them are going to cancel out my telepathy. I might have to wear more than one material since my telepathy seems to not be canceled out by Germanium. Do you wanna help me?"

"Sure," Saiki nodded. "When do the experiments start?"

"After school, actually," (Y/n) changed into her indoor shoes. "Uncle Kyoya wants me to go to a private research facility he had made specifically for any other kinds of psychics that need help. There's been a few others that have come in that volunteered to help us understand how to cancel out their powers just in case we get a bad psychic."

"Oh, I remember your Uncle asking if he could research my powers a little," Saiki was 10 at that time, and (Y/n) was 9. Kyoya asked Saiki's parents if it was alright if he could do a little bit of research on Saiki, and his parents said no experiments until Saiki graduates from high school. They got a lot of information that day. "So you'll just be touching different materials and gems to see which ones will cancel out your powers?"

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