Chocolate Chip Cookies

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(Y/n) was in her room, busy putting photos into scrap books. There were photos of her friends she was putting into one scrap book. There were photos of (Y/n) and Saiki on the first day of school, while there other photos of her participating in some school events, with her fans all over the place. There was another scrap book that had pictures of her family, things that she's done throughout the year. Each scrapbook she had was full of a years worth of pictures. She liked to make memories.

"(Y/n). You're phones been ringing down stairs. Its that Saiki boy. He's been calling you for about 2 minutes now." (Y/n) looked up from the school scrapbook, and saw Kyoya standing at her doorway, her phone in his hand. "I suggest you take the call."

"Thanks Uncle Kyoya." (Y/n) held her hand out, and her phone landed in the palm of her hand.

"And if you end up helping him, just be back before midnight." Kyoya instructed. He always knew what his niece was up to. He was the one who gave her all the phones she's had through out the years.

"Promise." (Y/n) said, and answered the phone before Saiki could get any more angry with her. "Hey Kusuo."

"(Y/n). You have to come over now." Saiki instructed.

"Wait what?" The girl asked. She suddenly heard his phone drop. "Kusuo?"

The girl was about to get her Uncles, before two arms wrapped around her waist, and she was suddenly inside Saiki's room, where his phone was on the floor.

"Sorry about that. But this is an emergency." Saiki said, handing his friend the note he had recieved not that long ago. "Someone knows about my powers, and they know about yours as well. I don't know who sent the message, but I needed you here so you're safer. He's a physic as well."

"Another one out there? That seems kinda cool." (Y/n) had to admit. Having another physic could be kinda fun, but that could also be a bad thing now that she thought about it.

"He somehow knows about us. This is not a good thing." Saiki said, taking the letter back. "I think it's about time we figure out who had written-"

The doorbell rang.

"Wow! Your home looks so normal!" The lavender haired boy smiled, looking around Saiki's room.

Saiki was sitting in his desk chair, while Y/n) was sitting on his bed, one of his pillows in her arms. She felt comfortable holding a pillow in her arms, nothing wrong with that. (I did that over spring break actually. Just holding the pillow in my arms while I was watching Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles. It was comfy).

"This is way too soon. Why even bother sending a letter?" Saiki asked the purple haired boy, arms crossed and legs crossed like he was some kind of high business man listening to a small proposition.

"Sorry. Where are my manners?" The boy asked, standing in front of Saiki. "My name is Rita Toritsuka, and it's a pleasure to meet you master." Toritsuka said, smiling at the boy. He then turned to (Y/n). "It's a special pleasure to be meeting you, mistress. I'm 16 years old, but you both know all of that because you can read my mind. Anyways, it feels like I know you two. I've heard so much about you two from people. Well, dad people."

"He's a physic medium." (Y/n) Was pretty interested in this. She's never met a physic medium before.

"That sure explains how he knew about us, and our powers." Saiki said, knowing this boy is going to cause trouble for Saiki, and (Y/n).

Read My Mind (Saiki K x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now