Vanilla Frosting

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So this was a suggested story from , and I thought it was a pretty good idea. This side story was probably not what you were thinking, but I gave it my best shot. So, let's get started!

"I think you're going to have a visitor." Saiki said, looking out the window and saw a very, strange, girl. She had long crimson red hair pulled to a side ponytail, along with crimson red eyes. She was wearing a boys uniform from Ouran Academy.

"What does she look like?" (Y/n) asked, thinking she could possibly know who this person was. If it was who she was thinking, then she shouldn't be super worried.

"Crimson red hair, Ouran boys uniform, and crimson eyes." Saiki gave a brief description.

"Oh no..." (Y/n) thought, and facepalmed on the outside. About 2 minutes later, the door slammed open, and there was the girl.

"Where is (Y/n) Suoh!?" She shouted, and looked around the classroom. Her eyes were angry slits, she was looking or her opponent.

"Hello, Akari." (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest, and sat back in her seat. This was a girl she didn't want to deal with at her school.

Akari stomped over, and punched (Y/n)'s desk form the top, successfully breaking it in half, along with (Y/n)'s notebook and pencils. "You fight me right here, right now Suoh!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm in school right now, and you should be in school as well right now." (Y/n) growled, and picked up her notebook, putting it back into her school bag, that now sat on the floor.

"You didn't fight me fare and square in America!" Akari yelled, kicking half of the desk out the window. "You will fight me right here and now! This time, it will be fair!"

"You rigged it. I won even when you cheated. You really want to fight now?" (Y/n) asked, unfazed with Akari's behavior.

"I challenge you to another match! You will meet me at the Tokyo Dome! You get to choose the judges to prove I can beat you, and I didn't rig it!" Akari yelled, and threw the other piece of desk out the window, before jumping out of the window, and landed near the desk, and ran off.

"What the hell just happened?" Saiki asked, unsure of the situation.

"Akari Yamada. She's been a so called rival of mine since I was younger. We used to fight in tournaments, but she never won a match against me. Last year, she rigged the judges by paying them high amounts of money. Even though she paid them, I still won due to other judges catching her in the act, and showing that the judges were bias. I won by default, but the true score should've been on my side." (Y/n) explained, and sighed. "She didn't even tell me the day though."

"Tomorrow!" A voice shouted, and the students looked outside, to see Akari. "The match is tomorrow!"

"I stand corrected." (Y/n) sighed. "Looks like there's going to be a fight now."

"So Akari Yamada challenge you to another fight at the dome?" Kyoya asked, writing down the information that his niece said. "And she thinks you cheated, even after the judges admiring to being bribed by her?"

"Apparently so." (Y/n) said, and ate a fresh baked cookie her uncle Hani and Mori had made her. "I don't know why she wants to fight me though. She said I get to choose the judges."

"Why not choose Hanii and Mori?" Tamaki asked, taking a cookie from the plate sitting on the coffee table. "They may be on your side, but they aren't easily bribed, and they're fair."

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