Chocolate Ice Cream

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The clock hit 4 o'clock, with the loud bell ringing for dismissal of the students.

"Hey Saiki. Do you want to come over to my house and join me and my uncle for baking some cakes? It will be fun." (Y/n) smiled, waiting at her friends desk for his response.

"Not today, sorry. I have to get back home. There's something urgent going on." Saiki said to his friend, packing away some of his stuff into his school bag. "Maybe I'll join you tomorrow, if that's ok with your uncle."

"I'm sure uncle Honey won't mind one bit. We'll just get some stuff from France." The girl smiled, and made her way towards the door, to make it seem like she wasn't waiting for him. She would've waited for him, but the girl didn't want her fans to kill Saiki. That was the last thing she had wanted.

"Bring me some more of those crepes, and maybe some macaroons." Saiki smiled at his friend, right as she waved goodbye, and left.

(Y/n) was sitting in the limo with her twin uncles. Both were talking about some of the experiences they had in America, where they went to see the Statue of Liberty, and trying out some New York style pizza.

"I'm telling you. That pizza place was pretty good." Hikaru said to his niece, showing her a picture of the large pizza they got form that place. "We got so full. It tasted so much different than the food here."

"Next time, we should go to Italy and compare the flavoring. All the veggies foods grown around the world have different flavoring." Kaoru said, showing the picture of them after they ate the entire pizza, with their stomachs as big as watermelons.

"You two really need to stop eating so much food. You might explode." (Y/n) giggled, looking at the two pictures. She always enjoyed her families stories from their experiences when they are in different countries.

The girls phone started to buzz. Taking out the (f/c) phone from her school bag, (Y/n) checked the caller ID. It was Saiki. "Saiki? Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I just need your help right now." Saiki said, trying to make sure no one could hear him.

"What's the problem? Shouldn't you be home right about now?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her two uncles, who only shrugged, not sure what to tell her at this moment.

"I'm stuck in the bathroom." He said bluntly. What else could he tell her?

"At school?" (Y/n) tried not to laugh, thinking Saiki may have had fallen into the toilet, tried to get out, and failed misserably while trying to make sure nothing was going to get broken with his unnatural strength.

"I know what you're thinking. I don't have to be a physic to know what you're thinking at the moment." Saiki grumbled, not amused.

"Awe! Got me!" The girl laughed, and waved to her uncles to take her back to the school. The twins nodded, and instructed their driver to go back to the school. "How long have you been stuck?"

"Twenty minutes. I just wanted to go home and watch the season finally of a TV show I liked." Saiki said, sighing. This was just not the way he wanted his day to go.

"What do you want me to do?" The other physic asked, smiling a little.

"Hairo!" (Y/n) ran down the street, school bag in hand, and her school uniform untidy. She was acting. "I need your help!"

"What's wrong?" Hairo asked in a panic, afraid something may have happened to her.

"A strange man was chasing me. My uncles dropped me off earlier and when I was buying the groceries, a man started to follow me. Can you please go find him and take care of him for me please?" The girl asked, hiding behind his back, looking around.

Just on cue, one of the girls bodyguards were pretending to be that man. He was running towards her, pretending to be the man that was chasing her. "Get back here!"

"Don't worry! I'll be taking care of this!" Hairo yelled, and lunged towards (Y/n)'s bodyguard. The only reason he agreed to this, was because he'd be getting a raise, a huge one for doing this for (Y/n) and her friend.

"Do you know where Teruhashi is?" The girl asked her friend, looking around. She couldn't predict where Nendo was, and Teruhashi could be anywhere. She knows she's there, but (Y/n) doesn't know her exact location like Saiki would know.

"She's walking around the school trying to find me. She has Takahashi looking for me as well." Saiki told her, flushing the toilet. He had already turned himself invisible, and walked around, avoiding Nendo as much as possible. "I just left the bathroom. Just distract Teruhashi if you can, or Kaido."

"I'll try." The girl sighed, before she was suddenly swarmed by her fans.

"(Y/n)! Why did you sigh! Is there something wrong!?" One of the boys asked, who was wearing the schools baseball uniform.

"I'm just in a bit of a bad mood. Teruhashi was saying some stuff that fooled some people, but not me. I don't want to talk to her, and I don't want to see Takahashi. If you can help me avoid the, please help me." (Y/n) said. She wasn't fully lying. Teruhashi always has something snobby to say, and she honestly doesn't like Takahashi.

"Sure thing! We'll help!" A boy wearing the basketball uniform said, nodding his head along with the other fans.

"I got my fans to help me. You should be able to read their minds on where Teruhashi and Takahashi are." (Y/n) throught to her friend. "But she's already at the front of the school looking for you. Kaido is in a locker."

"I'll take care of them." Saiki thought.

(Y/n) shrugged, and started talking to her fans, to make things less suspicious. She heard a thud, a scream, a worried voice, and a bunch of yelling. The next thing she knew, she saw the new kid, who's name she didn't really bother remembering well.

"Hey there Saiki!" He said, and tapped Saiki on the shoulder. And that was when Saiki appeared, and all attention was on him.

"Well, that plan failed." (Y/n) sighed.

"Your not busy are you?" Teruhashi, Kaido and Hairo asked him, all had hope in their eyes.

"Actually. Saiki was going to be coming with me to the mall. I wanted to get his opinion about something where one of my uncles businesses was going to go. So, we'll be going now, bye!" (Y/n) said, grabbed Saiki, and made a run for it.

"You owe me big time." (Y/n) said, before pushing her friend out of the limo, just in time for him to see his show.

"Yeah yeah." Saiki smiled, and closed the door. The window of the limo was rolled down. "Night (Y/n)."

"Night." (Y/n) had her driver take her home.

Sorry if the chapters are out of order form the order of the anime. I had lost track of the order of chapters. Hopefully everything will be right on track next chapter.

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