Eccles Cake

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        (Y/n) has been out of school for a while, and when I say a while, I mean a while. She sadly had to miss Christmas and New Years because of some family business. Of course, Saiki texted her a lot about whatever was happening when she was gone, and sometimes he would teleport to come visit her on the days where work seemed to be the most harsh for her.

What did disturb (Y/n) the most, was that he and Teruhashi went out on a quote on quote date. It appeared Mikoto didn't want big movie dealers to find his sister, so he went to Saiki for help. Of course, his love for sweets seemed to have distracted him and make the date even longer for him. The girl confided into her parents, and they couldn't say much. Haruhi told (Y/n) to keep an open mind while Tamaki was cursing Saiki for making his daughter feel sad.

She also had to miss the school festival, to which Saiki told her he turned Nendou into stone, and actually spoke for once due to how bad the situation was instead of communicating through telepathy. Poor Saiki now has a bad back because of Stone Nendou falling on top of him. She missed hearing about a new student coming in, who was apparently a delinquent, which (Y/n) didn't care much about, but she did hear about his last name. Apparently that was someone her Uncle Kasanoda has heard about, his dad is a punk and his mom was also a punk but not someone that (Y/n) should be worried about, mostly because he knew (Y/n) could kick the snot out of someone easily. Saiki had also visited Nendou's fathers grave, which ended with his fathers ghost taking Nendou's body for a little while. The cafe Saiki has gone to apparently wasn't doing too well so they nearly got bank rumpt, so he did help the cafe. He helped solve a mystery case, which he admitted that it was him cause he forgot his umbrealla at the school, switched it with a tennis ball, and the ball ended up being squeezed out and shot through the glass door, whoopsie on his part.

Luckily most of her homework she had to get done was already done through the computer, and the race she had to do for PE could easily be done since there was an indoor gym. All she had to do was run on the treadmill at whatever pace she wanted for the distance that the school requiered.

But here was a little surprise, (Y/n) was coming back to Japan a little earlier than she was expecting. Reality of the situation, Kyoya, the twins, Hani, and Mori all went after the people who did last minute hiring for (Y/n). The girl was exhausted and ready to go home, but because those companies were making money off of her, they didn't want to let her go. Never mess with these guys, they're the scariest ones of them all.

"Thanks Uncle Hani! I'll see you guys at dinner, alright?" (Y/n) asked as she waved goodbye to the people in the limo, which was Hani and Mori. "Don't forget to bring some sweets to dinner from the cafe!"

"(Y/n)?" Saiki's mother asked, opening the door and peaked outside. She smiled brightly, and ran outside to engulf the girl into a hug. "Oh hello dear! I thought you wouldn't be back till next month!"

"Some plans got canceled," (Y/n) hugged Saiki's mother back, since she was always like a second mom to her, but Haruhi will always take the cake in (Y/n)'s opinion. "Where's Saiki?"

"He's inside with that blue haired girl from school," Kurumi smiled as she started to drag (Y/n) inside. "And I'm sure Yuuta would be happy to see you again! He came over because his parents are both out so Ku is taking care of him. They just showed up with him, they looked like a married couple."

(Y/n) was a little disturbed by the fact Teruhashi was here, but she couldn't complain much since she was going to see Yuuta. But what really did bug her was that she said they looked like a married couple. "Alright then."

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