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        Sitting down at her desk, (Y/n) accepted the gifts her fans were giving her for Valentines Day. The boxes were stacked up high, even though most of them were quite small. Most of them were being carried out by a few of her fathers butlers, who were going to bring them back to her house for her mother or father to eat. Maybe even her smaller, but older cousin Hani.

"I see you are getting all the valentines gifts once again." Saiki said, picking up one of the smaller boxes and handed it to one of the butlers, who was leaving with his arms full of tiny boxes of chocolates.

"There's so much. I might just let Uncle Hani have them. He likes sweets way more than I do, and I don't think I could eat this much chocolate in a year." (Y/n) said, while she gratefully accepted the chocolates from an underclassman.

"Did you bring any chocolates for anyone?" Saiki asked, pushing some of the boxes away form his desk, since some of them started to be put on his since there was no room on his friends.

"You, Kaido, and Nendo." (Y/n) smiled at an underclassmen, who was nervous to be giving her the chocolates that he brought for her.

"Friendship chocolates?" Saiki asked, wondering if he was about to get friendzoned.

"Yep." (Y/n) waved at a few other upperclassman that waved to her, since they were only passing by the room. "You three are my friends, of course I'm going to give you boys some chocolates"

"Ah. Alright." Saiki sighed in his head. He was hoping his wasn't going to be friendship chocolates again. This was already the 7th year they've been freindship ones.

"Thank you a lot for the chocolates." (Y/n) thanked an upperclassman, accepting a slightly bigger box of chocolates.

(Y/n) and Saiki both walked around the halls. (Y/n) was eating some (favorite chocolates), feeling happy. She managed to get though all the accepting in the morning, not having to let it carry over to past lunch. "These chocolates are really good. I think these ones are home made."

"Home made you say?" Saiki asked, eating a few of the chocolates (Y/n) received. Since (Y/n) couldn't finish all of the chocolates herself, she let her best friend have some.

"Yeah. It's pretty good." (Y/n) tossed one of the chocolates up into the air, trying to catch it. Instead of it landing in her mouth, it ended up bouncing off her nose. She pouted, feeling slightly disappointed she missed, along with one of her chocolates now on the floor.

Saiki smiled softly, thinking it was cute whenever (Y/n) pouted. She had such an adorable innocence look in her eyes.

"Did you end up getting chocolates from Teruhashi?" (Y/n) asked, popping another chocolate in her mouth, but didn't try to catch it this time. No more wasting chocolate on a simple, but complicated game.

"She tossed her chocolates out of the window. She thought her chocolates would start World War 3 if she gave them to me. I ended up catching it anyways." Saiki held the chocolates Teruhashi threw out the window in his hand, showing her.

(Y/n) opened the bag, and broke a piece of the chocolate off. Popping it in her mouth, (Y/n) spit it out, trying to get the taste out. "There is no sweetness to it, it's burnt, and there is no actual chocolate flavor. What the hell?"

"Glad I wasn't the one who tried it first." Saiki smirked, tossing the chocolates into the trash can, while handing his friend a bottle of water. "Drink up. This should help wash down that horrible flavor."

"You are quite mean, you know that?" (Y/n) asked, sending a playful glare towards her friend. "That's not funny you know. I hate unsweetened chocolate, especially burned chocolate."

"That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem." Saiki walked away, leaving his friend to complain.

"You are so mean!" (Y/n) shouted at him, before she stomped over, following the boy anyways.

"Did my baby get any chocolates?" Tamaki asked, hugging his daughter from behind as a movie played on the big screen TV.

"Too many. There's so much I don't think I'll be able to eat them." (Y/n) laughed a little, handing her father a box of chocolates that she wasn't going to eat, since it was her least favorite kind. "You can have this one though."

"Awe! My little baby is being so generous to her old man! Thank you so much honey!" Tamaki yelled, hugging his daughter even tighter.

"Dad! I can't breath!" (Y/n) complained, trying to get her father to let go of her, since she could barley even breath.

"Hey (Y/n). You got a chocolate delivery. It's from that Saiki boy." Kyoya said, tossing the box of chocolates to (Y/n).

"That boy will not have my precious daughter! He'd have to kill me before I even let him take her out on a date!" Tamaki yelled, hugging his daughter more. "I will not let my little girl be tainted by the likes of boys!"

(Y/n) sighed, but smiled. Opening up the chocolates, (Y/n) popped one in her mouth. They were (favorite chocolates), her favorite kinds. Saiki remembered what her favorite chocolates were. Smiling more, (Y/n) sent a text to her friend, thanking him for the chocolates.

Saiki looked at his phone, smiling. There was a heart next to the message. This valentines day wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Well, aside from nearly being poisoned by bad chocolates.

Sorry for the lack of updates people! I've been busy, and my grandmother passed away last month. One of my stories has reached over 3.5k hearts, so I've been working on that one for quite a while. Thanks again for supporting book! Remember to share the book with anyone who likes Saiki as well. Bye bye!

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