Vanilla Ice Cream

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        This is just going to be a a bit of a filler chapter, since I have a lot of assignments coming up. Hope this is enough for however long I am gone for because school decided to hate me this year. Hope you all enjoy, bye bye!

        "Hey dad! I'm going to go pick up Saiki at his house! We'll meet you guys at the shop!" (Y/n) yelled from the large double doors that was the entrance to her house. Today, (Y/n) and Saiki were both going to go to the new sweets her father was thinking of opening up.

        "Don't be alone with that boy!" Tamaki yelled.

        "I'm taking the limo! Don't worry! Besides, we used to have sleep overs all the time when we were younger!" His daughter yelled, and ran out of the large double doors to avoid any more yelling from her father.

        "That's when you were 5!!" Tamaki yelled after his daughter.

        (Y/n) skipped down the large drive way to the Suoh family limo, and hopped into the back, closing the door. "Please take me to the Saiki residence."

        "Yes ma'am." The driver smiled, and started the drive to Saiki's place.

        Knocking on the door a few times, (Y/n) was waited for her friend. There was no response for a couple of seconds, and she knocked again. This went on for about 2 minutes, before she was finally greeted by Saiki. "Hey there Ku."

        "I told you not to call me that." Saiki said, closing the door behind him and locked the door with his keys, since his parents were both out for the day getting groceries, and most likely a date as well.

        "But your mom calls you that." (Y/n) giggled, and skipped towards the limo.

        "But your not my mom." Saiki said, following his friend.

        "But what else am I supposed to call you?" (Y/n) asked.

       "Your boyfriend?"



        "Hi dad!" (Y/n) opened the door to the pastry shop. The shop was big, and when (Y/n) would say big, she would mean BIG. The shop looked like it could hold over 2,000 people, with fancy imported furniture and tables, and commissioned chairs that came from Kyoya. There were area's with booth seats, there were some with a table and some chairs, and then there was a large circular chimney in the middle where some steps lead down, where there were couches and coffee tables. A fire would be started once the Fall season comes, keeping everyone within the large circle nice and warm while the other fire places around the shop would keep everyone warm. There were different stations that had the background of whatever country that pastry comes from. If there was a Chinese pastry being served, one station would be decorated to look like a Chinese pastry stall. Whatever will be approved to be on the menu, each station shall be decorated. Each station shall have pastries on a buffet like style system, where customers could just walk over and grab whatever they want, with their totals being tallied by the amount of plates they bring to the cashier.

        "Your dad is sure going all out for this." Saiki looked around, already liking the nice warm vibe the pastry shop was giving, even if it wasn't done yet.

        "He loves entertaining the masses." (Y/n) laughed a little, and looked around for her father.

        "My baby!" Tamaki yelled, and ran out from the kitchen and was about to tackle his daughter in a hug, before she moved over to the side, and he ended up crashing into a few of the tables.

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