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        "So my dad was thinking about opening up a sweets shop near the house. Do you wanna help me look over the menu?" (Y/n) asked her friend. "I think you'd like some of the items, since dad wants to get pastry chefs from all around the world."

"That does sound kinda interesting. When do you need me?" Saiki asked, holding his bag over onto his left arm, while carrying (Y/n)'s bag over his right shoulder. Yes, he is quite the gentleman towards (Y/n).

"Can you come to the house next Monday? The actual shop is being built this week, and it'll take some time for the kitchen to be all set up due to how any pastry chefs are going to be in there." (Y/n) said, and continued walking back to Saiki's home. "I can ask dad if you can have a discount on the pastries, since you're my best friend."

"You're a god, you know that?" Saiki asked.

"Saiki, that kids balloon is starting to float away." (Y/n) pointed to the yellow balloon floating up, while there was a little green haired boy who looked pretty sad. "Please get it for him."

"Why should I?" Saiki asked, giving (Y/n) her bag back, since he had a sneaking suspicion she'd pull the puppy dog eyes out on him.

"Because it's the nice thing to do." And she indeed pulled out the puppy dog eyes card on him. "Please Saiki? Remember when you used to get my balloons that always floated away? It always made me happy, and you would really make that kid happy."

"Ugh fine, just don't pull that card out again." Saiki sighed, and jumped after the kids balloon. He easily grabbed the string, and floated down. He handed it back to the green haired boy, and turned around to walk the direction they were originally going.

"He's giving me some kind of amazed look, isn't he?" Saiki asked. "I hate you so much if this turns into something stupid."

"Awe come on, you love me." (Y/n) teased, as she poked Saiki's cheek with her pointer finger.

"Hey mister! Are you Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2 because I think you are!" The kid held onto Saiki's pants, looking up at the two. "And are you Cherry Bomb because you look just like her!"

"Sorry but I'm not Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2." Saiki said, looking down at the kid, before turning around.

"Cherry Bomb? That doesn't sound like a very good name." (Y/n) mumbled. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm someone named Cherry Bomb." (Y/n) continued to walk with Saiki on his right, since she was now carrying her bag.

"Don't worry! Your secrets are safe with me Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2 and Cherry Bomb." The kid said.

"Still wrong." Saiki said. "I am not a Cybrog, a Cider-Man, or a Number 2, or any other number."

"But I just saw you do the Soda Jump to save my balloon so it's too late to try and hide it now." The kid still had this amazed gleam in his eyes.

"Oh gosh he's so cute!" (Y/n) cheered in her head, completely enchanted by the adorable look on this kids face.

"We aren't Super Hero's kid." Saiki dismissed, not wanting to continue talking to this kid.

"Sorry." (Y/n) said, and turned around to continue walking with Saiki.

"Can I have your autograph?" The kid asked, getting a pen from his bag. "Here."

Saiki used his powers and was gone with (Y/n). It looked like they had teleported, but in reality, were just around the corner.

"We don't have time for this." Saiki said, about to continue walking with (Y/n), before they heard the boy cry.

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