Fortune Cookies

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        Both Saiki and (Y/n) were currently walking to school together. Saiki told Tamaki he would be escorting (Y/n) to and from home for the week. Tamaki and Haruhi had to leave for a business trip with the rest of the previous host club. All their businesses are intertwined with one another, so a meeting with one, is a meeting with all.

"Isn't he so cute?" The two looked over to see girls fawning over a cat. They wore different school uniforms, so it didn't bother Saiki with getting involved.

"Awe. It's a cute cat." (Y/n) smiled (sorry if you're not a cat person) at the two girls and the cat. She thought it was cute.

"Do remember that I can understand cat languages." Saiki reminded her.

"Oh that's right. I forgot you could understand animals. I can only understand humans." (Y/n) remembered when they were younger, Saiki was talking to the classrooms pet hamster. Let's just say, there was some rebellious stages. "Remember the elementary schools pet hamster from our classroom? He was so adorable!"

"More like a devil." Saiki said, remembering how the hamster wanted only to have (Y/n) talk to him and how he demanded Saiki to translate things to the young girl at that time. They were just some stupid pick up lines he's heard from the adults.

Both (Y/n) and Saiki just continued walking with one another, before they passed by a ball of fur. More specifically, a cat stuck between two buildings.

"You're seeing what I'm seeing, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking at the yellow cat with wonder. How could a cat get stuck between two buildings?

"I really hope I'm not." Saiki said, sighing. "Just ignore him, and let's go to school."

(Y/n) followed her friend, before she started to hear a lot of sounds coming from the stuck cat.

"What's he saying?" (Y/n) asked.

"He wants us to go back. he said he needs help, and I'm not helping him." Saiki said, not wanting to deal with a stuck cat.

"But Saiki, he needs your help. I can't get him out." (Y/n) said, pouting. She gave her friend a sad look, trying to guild trip him. She would help if she could, but she doesn't have the strength Saiki has, and it would take a while before that cat would be unstuck if she called animal control.

"I hate it when you make that face." Saiki said, and he walked back to the cat, with (Y/n) right behind him.

(Y/n) watched as Saiki stood in front of the cat. Whatever the cat may have said, it sure bugged Saiki, so he started walking again.

"Kusuo." (Y/n) growled, knowing that Saiki didn't want to deal with the cat, but she was going to make him.

Saiki stoped walking, and gave in. He didn't want to get (Y/n) angry with him, so he just did what she wanted.

(Y/n) watched as Kusuo and the cat talked, and how that cat was shocked to see Saiki understanding him so well. It was kinda funny though.

"So what's the problem?" (Y/n) asked, as she saw Saiki sigh.

"He wants me to help him without saying please. It's too annoying, and he has to learn." Saiki sighed.

"Whoa. That human is gorgeous. If only she was a cat." The cat started to imagine what (Y/n) would've looked like if she was a cat.

Saiki gave a deadly glare towards the cat.

"What did he say?" (Y/n) asked, noticing the change in Saiki's mood.

"Nothing. I think I just have to deal with a problem." Saiki grunted, not wanting (Y/n) to be any closer to the perverted cat than she already has. "You can head to school. I'll deal with this cat."

"Alright." (Y/n) smiled, and pat Saiki on the head gently, and made her way to school, thinking of an excuse to why Saiki would be late. Might as well bend the truth just a little.

(Y/n) was currently over at Saiki's place. She was staying at Saiki's place for the week until her family got back. As much as she loved all the butlers and body guards her family set up for her, spending time away form being rich was a nice change of pace.

"So how are you doing (Y/n) dear?" Saiki's mom asked, smiling at the girl sitting next to Saiki at the kitchen table.

"Pretty good. Thanks again for letting me stay until my family gets back." (Y/n) thanked her again.

"Aw it's no problem at all. We always love having you here. You're always like a daughter to me." Saiki's mom smiled.

The next thing (Y/n) or Saiki knew, the cat from earlier that morning, was sitting on the coffee table in the house.

"Awe! So cute!" Saiki's mom seemed, so happy to see a adorable cat.

"I thought your mom was allergic to cats..." (Y/n) said, fearing some allergies and sneezes will be surfacing in just a couple of minutes.

"She is." Saiki said, and smiled. "Just watch."

As Saiki's mom and dad both talked about the cat, she remember her husband that she was allergic. Out goes the cat.

"He didi't stand a chance." (Y/n) laughed on the inside and outside. From what Saiki told her what happened, that cat was getting what he deserved.

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