Green Tea Ice Cream Pt.3

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        Filler chapter again and a continuation because I am tire! Also, I am under quarantine because I was exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid. That does not mean I have it, but I was near someone who does have it. I should probably get a Covid test.

        "A picnic?!" Tamaki and the twins yelled, as they were watching (Y/n) ordering some food to put in a picnic basket and a cooler full of ice and some drinks and a few pastries that needed a cooler environment.

        "Yeah, why?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with going on a picnic with Saiki?"

        "He's a boy!" The twins yelled!

        "Don't tell me that you guys are going on a date!!" Tamaki whined, and hugged his daughter tightly, attracting attention to himself and the other members of the Host Club. This was one moment (Y/n) was a little glad that her childhood friend didn't have his telepathy, since he would be hearing the murderous thoughts of her father and her twin Uncles. "You are not allowed to date until you are 18! You hear me?! You are only 16 (I think that's how old most of the characters are)!"

        "Dad, didn't you and mom start dating when she was 15 and you were 16?" (Y/n) asked, unfazed by the stares of all the other guests and the shouts of her family. Going through this kind of attention and situations since she was a little girl, (Y/n) was unfazed by it all. She no longer felt embarrassed when her father would hug her and cry and all her princess, but she's just happy that her father refuses to change. "Isn't me and Saiki possible dating at the age of 16 not that much different than you an mom?"

        "That is besides the point!" Tamaki yelled, his sharp teeth coming out now. "You are not allowed to date anyone! Not girls! Not boys! No gender fluid people! No one! You are not allowed to date anyone because daddy says no (no discrimination towards the LGBT+ community, it's just Tamaki being overprotective and he does not have anything against the community, and I don't either. I don't wanna leave anyone out)!"

        (Y/n) just gave a small laugh, and patted her fathers arm softly. "Don't worry dad, Saiki isn't like that. We've known him since I was around 5, so there is no need to worry about anything happening to me. Besides, I can always just scream if I need help. We'll be just in the back a couple miles away, don't worry."

        "I will be watching you!" Saiki yelled.

        Haruhi grabbed her husband by the ear, and he let their daughter go. "Tamaki, let the two just have a picnic together. There is nothing wrong with that, and we already know that Saiki wouldn't dare try and do anything to (Y/n). She's an independent strong girl that we had raised, so there is nothing to be worried about. Go enjoy your picnic sweetie."

        "Thanks mom," (Y/n) took the basket and cooler, and headed out the back way of the inn, ready go find her friend. "Cya later dad."

        "But daddy says no..." Tamaki whined.

        "How about we go stalk them?" Hikaru asked.

        "That sounds like a good idea." Kaoru said.

        Both twins were stopped by Mori, who was holding them by their ears. As much as he wants to keep his niece safe as well, but he was not going to let the twins ruin (Y/n)'s little picnic with her best friend. "Leave her alone. She wants to spend time with her friend, so we should let her."

        "Yes Mori-senpai." The twins were not going to try and escape, not with their ears on the line.

        "I'm going to guess your dad was saying no again?" Saiki asked, eating some of the sandwich (Y/n) had made for him. (Y/n) borrowed the kitchen, and made some of Saiki's favorite foods, but some of the pastries were already made by the chefs, so (Y/n) just asked if she could get some of those to bring to the picnic.

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