Key Lime Pie

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        Ok it's time to try writing the rest of the seasons with rapid English sub going by and not knowing who is talking. Also, yes, I had skipped a few snips of the anime because I felt like there weren't any moments that (Y/n) could be in. AH!

"So you're telling me you traveled back in time to where your parents never met, then changed something, came back to your normal time only for the world to practically be destroyed by a World War 3, your New Years was full of people suddenly becoming famous for some reason, and Aren beat someone up because of a fake love letter?" (Y/n) asked. She was gone for a while again, traveling to Brazil for a movie. She played the main protagonist, a young adventurer trying to find her missing family, but each movie was herself giving other people lessons, wholesome lessons. There was a secret behind this adventurer, one that no one would find out. Saiki needed new clothes. "Glad I was in Brazil."

"Whatever," Saiki was looking down at the price of a jacket, being over 8,000 yen (that's about $80), which he thought was way too expensive. "Do you know how much coffee jelly I could buy for that?"

"Too many for your stomach to eat in one sitting," (Y/n) was looking at a nice winter hat that caught her eye. It had two of her favorite colors and seemed soft. "I don't even think Uncle Hani would be able to eat that much in one sitting."

"I could just wear the same clothes every day for the rest of my life. No need to wash clothes." Saiki sorta ignored what (Y/n) said but and started to just think.

"Knowing your mother she wouldn't allow you to do that," (Y/n) gave a small crooked smile while she continued to look at some winter jackets. She got paid recently and thought it would be nice to get some new clothes. She just so happened to run into Saiki, since both of them haven't talked since (Y/n) was on the plane back home, which was yesterday. How she wasn't suffering right now form the time difference, (Y/n) doesn't even know anymore. "At least she's sending you out to get clothes, you can chose what you like instead of your mom choosing."

"Oh, this is really cool," Nendou's voice made both teens turn around, seeing Nendou and Kaidou, Nendou taking of his shirt and showing his naked top. "I'm going to try it on."

"Sir," A worker said, trying to stop the taller teen. "Please don't put it directly on your skin."

"Oh no." Saiki was annoyed.

"It's Saiki and Suoh!" Kaidou was the first to notice them.

"Hey, pal!" Nendou greeted.

"You're just in time!" Kaidou said, smiling. "I was just choosing between two outfits! Can you both tell me which looks better? This idiot has absolutely no fashion sense."

"What do you mean?" Nendou asked.

"Go ask your mother." Saiki said, not caring.

They ended up near the changing rooms anyways. Kaidou was showing off his outfits, boring (Y/n) and Saiki like crazy. (Y/n) did have to admit, both boys didn't seem to have a good sense of fashion. Nendou was the second one to show off his outfits. (Y/n) hated both of their fashion senses. "I feel like I need to help them."

"Don't," Saiki just watched the two argue. "They'll probably bombard you with so many questions and what they should get the next time they want to go shopping, and that just sounds like hell."

"Oh, Saiki?" And now the two telepathy users silently cringed.

"Even Teruhashi has managed to show up," Saiki said to his friend, his face showing nothing but discomfort. "It must be too crowded here for our telepathy to work. We let our guard down."

(Y/n) blinked a few times, standing next to Saiki and just watched the interactions that were currently going on.

"I was just in the neighborhood," Teruhashi said. "I can't believe I ran into Saiki on the weekend. God really is on my side."

"And here I thought God was on my side today," (Y/n) said to her best friend, as she leaned over onto him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I would've thought God would keep her away but I guess they like playing games with us."

"Probably." Saiki had nothing else to say.

"Did you all come here to buy clothes, too?" Teruhashi asked.

"What else is there to do in a clothing store?" (Y/n) asked.

"Will Saiki pick out something for me too?" Teruhashi asked, making the two finally stop talking using their telepathy and pay attention to what was going on in front of them.

"He sure is! Right, Saiki?" Kaidou asked.

"And Suoh can chose some clothes too!" Nendou brought (Y/n) into this now. "Show us your fashion sense."

"Oh no..." Saiki was not liking this at all.

"This is a rare opportunity!" Teruhashi beamed with happiness. "I'll do it!"

"What?" Kaidou asked, not really believing it. "Really?"

"Yes, this is the perfect plan," Teruhashi was thinking about how this situation will go in her favor. "I'll learn what Saiki likes, and not only that, when we see each other later..."

"Oh no not another scenario." (Y/n) just watched the scenario that would play in the blue haired girls head. Both Saiki and (Y/n) just knew this was all going to her head.

"All right!" Kaido ran off to go find clothes for Teruhashi. "Let's put our outfits together now!"

"I'm not going to lose!" Nendou ran around.

Saiki and (Y/n) both just stood in front of a pillar. Saiki's arms crossed over his chest while (Y/n) leaned against his left side, resting her head on his shoulder.

Soon enough, it was time for fitting. (Y/n) nearly fell on the floor laughing at the ridiculous outfit Kaidou put together. Of course, Saiki replaced the outfit Nendou came up with with something better, and ended up just dragging his friend out of the store.

"Oh, I forgot to buy clothes for myself." Saiki just realized this.

"How about we go to the twins stores?" (Y/n) was referring to the Hitachiin twins. They had a store in the market area, which sells not just fancy looking clothes but also some plain clothes too. She may or may not have told her uncles to sell some non fancy clothes because of Saiki. "They have some plain clothes there, and we can l get some pastries at the shop afterwards."

"Why not?" Saiki asked, shrugging his shoulder and just followed his friend.

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