New York Style Cheesecake

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"Uh, Kusuo," (Y/n) said, poking her boyfriend gently in the cheek with her pointer finger. She wasn't expecting to come to school and greet her boyfriend, who was wearing a mask for some reason. "Is there a reason why you're wearing a mask? You never get sick. Wait, don't tell me your brother did something and now you have some kind of permanent scar on your face that you don't wanna show. I know makeup, since I've watched my makeup artist do mine all the time so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing."

"I don't have a scar," Saiki looked over to his girlfriend. "Allergies. Whenever I sneeze, something explodes. I've already made a chair, my dads golf clubs, his computer and games, and his phone blow up already."

"Wait your dad has golf clubs?" (Y/n) asked. Oh yes, that's the thing she's focusing on right now. "Well, you're not sneezing now, so you must've taken some medicine or something."

"I did, but I didn't want to risk having some pollen get to me and cause me to sneeze," Saiki sighed. "At least it worked. I just need to keep my mask on."

"Pal," Nendou walked over to the two. "You have hay fever? I have hay fever too. My sneezes are crazy. I feel a sneeze coming on."

"Well, if you left the house at your normal time, it's almost time for you to take another pill," (Y/n) looked at the clock on the wall, showing it was 1:35. "You should probably take it now."

"Good idea." Saiki said, and took out the medicine from his bag.

Nendou suddenly grabbed his wrist, and took the medicine out of Saiki's hand.

"Hey, watch me sneeze." Nendou said in a serious tone.

"Why?" Saiki asked.

"Nendou, I think it's really important Saiki gets his medicine." (Y/n) tried to get Nendou to give Saiki back his medicine.

Nendou didn't end up sneezing anyways. "It went away."

"Stop wasting my time," Saiki said. "Give me the pills."

"I feel another one coming," Nendou didn't listen. "Watch me carefully."

"Oh boy..." (Y/n) mumbled. She had a bad feeling coming.

Nendou didn't end up sneezing the second time.

"That's enough!" Saiki took the pills from Nendou's hand. "I need those pills. Oh no."

Saiki sneezed, and the pills in his hands suddenly exploded.

"The pills exploded of all things?" Saiki asked.

"Uh oh." (Y/n) said. Now she's been around Saiki whenever he uses his powers, all of them in fact, but sneezing and having things explode is very new to her.

"I need my mask back on," And that's when Saiki found his mask under Nendou's foot. "(Y/n), do you have any allergy pills with you?"

"Sorry Ku," (Y/n) gave an apologetic smile. "But I gave the rest of my stash to Uncle Hani and uncle Mori, since both of them ran out of allergy pills at home."

"I'm going home!" Saiki suddenly started running out of the school with his arm over his mouth and nose. "Bye (Y/n)!"

"He's not going to get far...." (Y/n) thought, and ran after him. She's not leaving I'm alone, especially since his sneezing causes things to explode. She'll need to provide cover for Saiki.

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