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        Saiki and (Y/n) were both with Saiki's mom and dad since they were visiting Saiki's grandparents.

"We're here!" Kuniharu stretched his arms over his head, feeling that satisfying pop. "The air is always so refreshing out here I can't get enough!"

"It's been a while hasn't it?" Kurumi asked with a smile on her face.

"We rode on the train for an hour and a half," Saiki was explaining what current transportation to (Y/n), since she's been asleep most of the time and Saiki was carrying her between each destination. "Then took a two hour flight and another train for two hours and finally a 45 minute bus trip. All to get to a whole lot of nothing."

"Awe come on Ku," (Y/n) said as she looked around the wide open space around them. "I always liked the outdoors and open areas. It doesn't feel so cramped like the city makes you feel. Besides, I always liked visiting your grandparents. They're so sweet to me."

"And they keep trying to get us married but your dad always says no," Saiki remembered when (Y/n) was first introduced to Saiki at the age of 7, his grandparents met (Y/n)'s mom and dad. Of course, that resulted in Tamaki screaming no and Haruhi whacking her husband on the back of the neck. "He's probably still sending a no to my grandpa whenever he says a marriage proposal for you and I."

"How'd you know?" (Y/n) asked with a smile on her face.

"I saw the letter on your kitchen table the other day when I came to visit." Saiki clearly remembers seeing that letter.

"You do know my dad is going to confront you grandfather about that, right?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if her best friend possibly knew what her father was going to be doing.

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised," Saiki just rolled his eyes. "Your dad seems like one of those people who just can't let some things go."

"He can't, and can," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "He can't let go of the fact that one of my uncles had a crush on mom back in their high school days, but he did let go of the fact that Uncle Kasanoda saw mom without her shirt on in high school. The twins on the other hand, no."

"Sounds like your dad is mostly an either or kind of person," Saiki pointed out.

"He is honestly," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "But that's one of the reasons why we love him so much."

"Dang," Saiki held his hands together, showing that he was cold. "My hands are starting to get cold and I left my gloves at home."

(Y/n) took his hands into her smaller ones (sorry if your hands are actually big. Mine are tiny) and held his hands between hers. She started warming them up by rubbing his hands against hers to cause friction, which heat was a biproduct of. "There you go. That should help a little."

Saiki's face flushed completely red. This brought back a memory to one winter where (Y/n) was visiting but she forgot her own gloves at home. Because she couldn't teleport home, and her family was busy, the poor girls hands started to freeze during recess. At this time, Saiki didn't have his antennas in his head, so he used his own hands to warms hers up, the same way she was doing it now. When he finally did get his antennas, he used pyrokinesis to warm her hands up or warm her entire body up when the school was cold.

"We're here!" Kurumi announced to her parents.

"Welcome!" Kumi Saiki, Kurumi's mother, greeted the four at the door. "Wow! Look at Kusuo and (Y/n)! You've grown so much! I remember when you were just a tiny little girl (Y/n)! You were so adorable!"

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