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Tonight was a karaoke night with some of (Y/n) and Saiki's classmates. It was a small celebration for (Y/n) coming back to Japan after she's been gone for a few months. Right now, Takahashi was singing, but Saiki used his powers to make him stop, for everyone's sake.

        "So what are you going to sing, Saiki?" Kaidou asked his friend.

        "I didn't come here to sing, I came here for this." Saiki opened up the menu to show a very sweet treat. "The Grand Chocolate Parfait."

        "That's the only reason you came?" Kaidou asked as he watched his friend leave to make a phone call. "And here I thought you were coming because of Suoh."

        Saiki wasn't not going to admit it, but the main reason he did come to something like this was because he wanted to hear (Y/n) sing. He has heard her sing in the past, and always thought she was the best singer, in his opinion, but it's been a long time since he's heard her sing. But the Grand Chocolate Parfait was another reason that he had come.

        "Suoh! Are you going to be singing after Teruhashi?" Hairo asked (Y/n) as the girl was sitting down on the couch.

        "Oh, sure." (Y/n) took the pad from him, and thought of a song. She looked through the song list, and gave a small smile. She turned to Saiki. "Hey Saiki, do you wanna do a duet with me?"

        "No," Saiki rejected the offer. "I don't want to be singing some random song, you know I don't want to sing."

        "Awe come on," (Y/n) scooched next to her friend a little more. "I have an idea."

        Saiki just rolled his eyes, not wanting to do this, but he couldn't reject his friend like that. "Fine."

        "Yay!" (Y/n) chose the song. "Changed my mind, Saiki and I will go last if that's alright."

        "Sure thing." Hairo smiled before he left to go find other students who hasn't signed up for a song yet.

        Saiki was sarcastically clapping at Kaidou's very bad attempt at singing, and (Y/n) was just patting the poor blue haired boy on the head softly.

        The door opened, showing a waiter. "Thanks for waiting," He looked so done with these kids. "Who ordered the Grand Chocolate Parfait."

        "That's mine!" A different kid raised his hand before Saiki could.

        "What?" Saiki asked in disbelief. "Someone else ordered one before me?"

        "No," (Y/n)'s been paying attention to who's been going over to the phone and ordering things. "That guy ordered about a minute ago. That one is technically your since you've been waiting for about 15 minutes."

        "I just wanna take it, but no," Saiki was holding himself back at the moment, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't going to get revenge somehow. "When it's your turn to sing I'm gonna create feedback during the absolute best part of the song. Enjoy the awkward moment."

        "Calm down Ku," (Y/n) patted Saiki's head softly, which calmed him down just a little. "Just wait a little while longer then you can get your parfait. Besides, our song will be a while, so when your parfait comes you can just say you wanna finish eating before we go up."

        "Ok who's next?" One of the students questioned.

        "I am!" Nendou yelled, with his hand raised up.

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