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        "Ku do you think you can take this to your grandfather?" Kurumi asked her son. She was talking about the tea and cake that were currently set aside for the older man.

Instead of Saiki going to the other room to bring it to his his grandson, he got his son-in-law instead. Kuniharu was sent back with the tea and cakes while he cried.

"Come on Saiki," (Y/n) encouraged. "I'm pretty sure that your grandfather would be happy to talk to you. And be nice to him, alright?"

"Oh alright." Saiki got up and took the tea and cake form his dad, and brought it back to his grandfather.

"This isn't going to end well." (Y/n) thought to herself. Saiki only came back to get his own cake, and went back to his grandfather. They ended up eating in silence the entire time, which (Y/n) thought was kinda awkward for him.

"Tell me, Kusuou," Kumagoro asked his grandson. The setting was at night with both parties sharing a room. "Is there a girl you like?"

"What?" Saiki asked like that was some kind of deadly question. "Ew no way."

"Come now you're already 16 you should live a little," Kumagoro encouraged. "What about (Y/n)? Isn't she just a cutie?"

"But (Y/n) is my best friend," Saiki gave a nervous blush while he twiddled his thumbs. "She's just my childhood friend, and I'm sure she doesn't like me."

"Oh come now Kusuou," Kumagoro encouraged. "With a guy like you, she'd be falling for you in a matter of minutes if you just know the right thing to do."

"Please, teach me grandpa Kumagoro." Saiki asked.

Kumagoro woke up from his dream. He felt like he was on cloud nine, taking to his grandson about the girl he likes, and he could confide in him. Now he really felt like he was in heaven.

"I had no idea there was an amusement park around these parts." Kuniharu said, not knowing the area very well.

"I totally forgot it existed!" Kurumi was happy to remember the childhood amusement park that she used to go to all the time when she was a little girl.

"We used to go there all the time when Kurumi was little." Kumi interjected, leaning forward so Kuniharu and Kurumi could hear her better, and so she could hear them better.

"The hot springs would've nice," Kuniharu put in his own opinion into the conversation. "But I guess this could be kind of fun."

"Huh, what a pain," Kumagoro interjected with his own negative comments. "Why do I have to waste my afternoon at an amusement park?"

"Oh come on honey we'll have a good time." Kumi tried to convince her husband that this wasn't going to be such a bad day.

(Y/n) was currently sitting down on Saiki's lap, her head resting on his shoulder. The car only had 5 seats in total, which meant (Y/n) had to sit on someone's lap, and she felt like it would be best if she sat on Saiki's lap since she's done it in the past. She was asleep once again, finally getting a break from all the work she's been doing. She was catching up on some Z's now. Saiki had his arms wrapped around her waist and his hands resting on her stomach.

"(Y/n)-chan sure sleeps a lot," Kumi sat back against her seat and turned her head to look at the teen. "Has she been overworking herself again?"

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