Banana Split

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        Filler chapter because I started my summer job early and now I'm working pretty long hours and my feet are starting to get blisters and I'm losing skin on my fingers and I can't walk by the end of the day. Ow my feet.

Anyways, we're just gonna pretend the main plot in this side story takes place in 2016, the year the first season of the anime came out. I'm not sure if I'm gonna say the same for the main plot of the story though, mostly because I haven't found a date of when Saiki's story begins,

Anyways, enjoy.

And here Kusuo thought he was going to be waking up to the sounds of voices in his head, or his girlfriend's voice who would be happily greeting him in the brightest smile he's ever seen. Or maybe the voice of his mother waking him up to eat breakfast before he would go to school. Nope. He instead woke up to much different voices than he's used to hearing, along with seeing the sky. It took him about 9 seconds to figure out what was going on, and his conclusion? He teleported to his room somewhere. But by looking around the area, he found that this was indeed his hometown. The difference? People he recognized were older, the adults turned elderly and the children were teenagers.

Taking a stroll around his town would be the most logical thing for him to do, to help him understand his surroundings. That was something (Y/n) had to teach him a long time ago when he had first traveled outside of Japan with her. Understanding his surroundings helped him greatly to blend in with the crowd and not bring attention to himself. Though, that was already hard enough since he was traveling with the famous (Y/n) Suoh.

"What is going on here?" Kusuo asked himself. He kept looking around, his brain being flooded with all these new terms and slang, one's he's most certainly never heard. What probably didn't help the difference in technology. The people didn't have phones, instead, had something over one of their eyes. It looked like a miniature screen, showing what he assumed was their social media, search engines, and overall replacement of a phone. "These people have different speech patterns, and they don't carry phones. They're dressed a little differently too, not to mention the adults are now elders and the children are now teenagers. It seems the only logical conclusion is that I had traveled into the future."

"Took you that long to figure out?" A younger, unfamiliar, voice cut into Kusuo's head. The pink haired teen turned around and looked down, only to see two children.

The boy had a very familiar stoic face, with short (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. It was obvious that he was a student attending a richer known school. The clothes he was wearing looked like they came from higher quality fabrics, but he had to admit, the green color wasn't very good. He had two antennas on his head, both the same color as his hair.

As for the girl, she was a carbon copy of him, but she instead wore a smile on her face. She had the same pink hair and eyes as he did, she even had the same exact green glasses as he did. She also wore a school uniform, a light purple color that was made from higher quality fabric as well.

"You're a psychic too?" Kusuo asked, fully turning his body to face the children. "Who knew there were other psychics with telepathy."

"Dad said you would be arriving here!" The girl's smile never left her face as she hugged the teendgers leg. "He's always right?! Isn't that right Kumi?"

"Kura, let go of his leg." The boy huffed, walking over and pried the girl Kusuo's leg, which did take some pulling on both ends. "Dad said we shouldn't do that to our guests."

"Guest? Kid, what are you talking about?" The pink haired teen asked.

"You're currently in the year 2031!" Kura, the girl, explained. "I think our introductions are long overdue! My name is Kura Saiki, and this is my younger twin brother, Kumi!"

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