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        "Alright everyone listen up," Hairo said, getting the stunts attention. "Today we're doing a safety drill."

"A safety drill?" Saiki asked, confused.

"Why so confused?" (Y/n) asked, looking over at her pink haired friend.

"Because there would be no need for one. I can control fire, and I can tell when there is a bad person who's going to attack the school. So there's really no need for this." Saiki said, which he had a few good points. He was basically the perfect body guard for anyone, since he was so invincible.

Hairo stated getting in Nendou's face, over exaggerating the situation that would happen.

"What would you do if there was a fire and the class was here?" (Y/n) asked, wondering what he would do in a situation like that. The problem would be that the entire class was there.

"There might be nothing that I could do. There would be witnesses." Saiki said. There weren't many possibilities of him being able to save everyone form the class form a fire if there was one. "And because your father would probably kill me, I would have to get you out of there, and probably leave the rest of the students."

"Don't listen to my dad. He's just being an overprotective father." (Y/n) said, sighing.

That was actually partially a lie. Yes, Tamaki would want (Y/n) to get out of there, but he wouldn't want him to leave other students behind. Secretly, Saiki would have just saved (Y/n), since she was the only one that he viewed was worth saving.

The bell started ringing, signaling that there was an emergency. "The first floor science lab is on fire."

"Stay calm everyone, get your safety hood and stay in line in order of student number." Hairo said, with his own safety hood in his hand.

"Oh no I left my safety hood at home." Teruhashi said, and she looked right at Saiki, hoping that he would give his to her. Instead, her entire fan club gathered around her, and offered theirs.

"Crap. I left mine with my uncle Kyoya. He wanted to modify it." (Y/n) mumbled.

All the boys went form Teruhashi right to (Y/n), offering theirs to her as well.

"What the heck?! Why are they going to her!?" Teruhashi shouted.

"N-no thanks. Um, you guys keep yours. I don't want you guys to get hurt if this was a real thing." (Y/n) said, declining all the offers the boys had given her. They started going on and on about how (Y/n) was a goddess and a Queen for declining, and how she was an angle for being concerned about their safety.

What (Y/n) didn't expect, was to see some orange. She looked up, seeing a safety hood on her head. Looking to the side, (Y/n) said Saiki's hand on the safety hood.

"Here. You can't control fire, so it's better if you have it." Saiki said, taking his hand away. He turned away from his friend, a blushed creeping up on his face.

"Thanks Ku." (Y/n) smiled, and blushed as well. She was happy her friend was concerned for her safety.

The students stood in line by their student number. (Y/n) was right in front of Saiki, who had just made a safety hood, not wanting got deal with Hairo yelling at him.

"What's with all the SOS things going on today?" Saiki asked.

"Who knows." (Y/n) followed Hairo and the people that were in front of her.

"AH!" Hairo yelled. The first floor laboratory doors were closed, which was something that he hasn't calculated.

"Did someone close it by mistake?" Teruhashi asked, playing the innocent helpless girl card.

​​​​​​​"But didn't they say that the floor one science lab was closed?" (Y/n) looked over at her pink haired friend, wondering if she was remembering the announcement correctly.

"Yep. They're closed with good reason. They're just testing to see how well we had paid attention and chose the safer choice and gone through the back way." Saiki said, rolling his eyes. He really didn't want to deal with this today.

"Do you think we should go?" (Y/n) asked, leaning on Saiki's side.

"Might be best." Saiki said.

The two stated walking the other way, leaving the rest of their class to figure out what was going on.

The next thing the two knew, the rest of their classmates were getting scolded by the gym teacher, and made their punishment getting buzz cuts.

"There really is no need for this stuff." Saiki said, and he snapped his fingers, preventing something form happening to the school.

"You're here to protect us, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking up at him.

​​​​​​​"More like protecting you." Saiki blocked his friend out of his mind, just to say those four words.

"Wanna come over? Got a few American pastries." (Y/n) offered.


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