Fruit Cake

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"I really hate Christmas." Saiki said, sighing. He was out in the city with (Y/n). Both were just doing some last minute shopping for their family, while (Y/n) really needed to find something for her uncle Hani. She needed to find a cute animal plushie that her uncle would love, and that was hard considering he has almost every plushie out there.

"Awe come on Saiki. Christmas isn't so bad." (Y/n) tried to cheer him up.

"There are only three kinds of people who really love Christmas. People who are little kids, people who are madly in love, and then people like you, the positive types." Saiki sighed, not wanting to be out in the cold. What he didn't like was hearing all the voices of couples talking about breaking up so soon, but wanted their presents first.

"Don't be so negative. Being negative is bad." (Y/n) scolded, whacking Saiki on the head. Oh, she could hear all the voices as well, but what happens in those peoples lives is something that she doesn't care about. Hearing the voices didn't effect her, but she didn't want Saiki to start being so unhappy.

"I haven't enjoyed Christmas for a long time. I always knew what my presents were going to be before I even got them. I just pretend I didn't know for my parents sake." Saiki said, pulling his scarf just a little higher up to keep part of his mouth and more of his neck warm.

"Same thing with mine..." (Y/n) had to admit, she didn't enjoy Christmas as much because of knowing what she was getting way before getting them. So instead, she celebrates the holidays because of the time she gets with her family during the time.

"Let's just go to my place. Your family will be done with that weird party soon anyways." Saiki offered.

The two just walked to Saiki's house. Both didn't bother listening to the other people around them. They just talked with one another, not affected by the negativity of the holiday.

Saiki suddenly had a bad feeling. When (Y/n) opened the front door, there stood Nendou and Saiki's mother. The door slammed closed right in front of the two.

"I hate this holiday." Saiki said, sighing.

The two ended up staying in Saiki's place. Nendou was with Saiki's mother with a wreath in hand. Saiki was sitting on the couch, with (Y/n) siting next to him, her head rested on his shoulder while she held a stuffed teddy bear. It was an old toy she left at Saiki's house when she was younger. She now uses it as an excuse to coming over, but always left it at his place. That was not a secret to Saiki, since he's not dense.

"I'm back!" Shouted Saiki's father, who had entered the house with a white beard on, along with a Santa costume. He still had his glasses on, which didn't sell the costume one bit.

"I remember when I was younger, I used to think your father was the real Santa." (Y/n) smiled. "Then my father had dressed up as Santa, and they ended up fighting on who was the real Santa."

"How could I forget? They nearly trashed your palace." Saiki's said, remembering he just pulled (Y/n) away from two fathers fighting, and just had (Y/n)'s uncles entertain her while their fathers were fighting.

"That was nearly a blood bath." (Y/n) laughed, hugging the teddy bear a little tighter. That was the gift Saiki gave her that year. "Do you think Nendou knows that your father isn't the real Santa?"

"This is Nendou we're talking about. I'm sure he's clueless." Saiki said, wrapping on arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, bringing her closer.

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