New Cover

3.5K 61 2

        Hey there people. Sorry for no cannon chapter, I've been working on another competition, and still writing The Pro's Daughter, which has reached over 4,000 hearts, which makes me really happy.

        Anyways, as you can see from the title of this, I'm gonna hold a new competition. This story has already reached over 1,300 hearts, I think it's time to hold a new competition, one I think many may enjoy. This is a new cover competition.

        The cover of this book is just a picture of Saiki, which was a placeholder since I am not very good at making covers. Anyways, moving on from my talentless butt, I'm letting all of you make the new cover!

        There are some rules and requirements that shall be listed down below.


1. Has to be an original piece (doesn't mean it has to be an original piece of art work, I mean it has to be something you came up with, not going off of someone else's thing off the internet. Gotta have your own creativity in it).

2. Must have the title of the book

3. Must have your water mark on it (for proof that it's your work, but make sure it doesn't take all the space of the cover, I've seen entries like that it just makes the cover no look  very good).

4. Gotta have Saiki somewhere in the cover. It doesn't matter where, just gotta have him.

5. No silhouettes of a person that isn't a cannon character from the anime (I go by the anime, not the manga, so gotta be from the anime. Sorry).

6. Must have my name on the title as well "by Xiao Fang", so people know I'm the author.


1. No taking someone else's piece of artwork and claim it's yours, must give credit. Like let's say you find a nice picture from someone else and you modify it, you have to give credit to the original artist.

2. Must have the requirements. If not all of them are met, I will not accept it.

3. You can use photoshop or any other photoshop type program, but again, you must give credit for the artwork you use.

4. You may collaborate with another person. Just make sure you both do half of the work.

        Ok, that's pretty much everything. You can send in 2 entries, but no more. The deadline is at the end of the month, 7/31/2020, at midnight on the eat cost of America's time. So once it becomes 8/1/2020, I shall not accept any more entires. Hope you all enjoy this competition, and have a good day/night. Bye bye!

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