Chocolate Truffles

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        (Y/n) stretched her arms over her head, hearing a satisfying pop. "Ugh...Uncle Mori whacked me so many times on the back with his kendo stick. I feel like I have a bruise all over my back, but at least it loosened up my back a little."

"Why was he whacking you on the back with a kendo stick?" Saiki asked, walking next to his girlfriend.

"I asked him to," (Y/n) said, cracking her knuckles. "I don't have the best pain tolerance, so I asked Uncle Mori to help me, and his first suggestion was a kendo stick to the back. It'll stop hurting soon enough though."

"You really are reckless," Saiki said, a small smile on his face. "At least that gives me the chance to save you from whatever might come towards you."

"Oh please, if you didn't have your powers, I bet I would be the one saving you," (Y/n) smiled. "By the way, did you hear Imu's thoughts? She's seeing Teruhashi as her rival."

"Wouldn't you be the rival?" Saiki asked.

"Maybe?" (Y/n) asked. "I think she's going after Teruhashi before she goes for me. Work her way up, get what I mean?"

"Yeah." Saiki said.

"Looks like she's using you to get to Teruhashi," (Y/n) said, sucking on a lollipop one of her fans had given her as a small gift. She was sitting on her boyfriends desk, while Saiki was reading a book. "She's using her crush on you against her, and now she's saying she has a crush on you."

"Doesn't she know we're dating?" Saiki asked, not looking up from his book.

"Probably not," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "Some of my first year fans saw her asking some of her own fans for information on you. I guess they left out the info of us dating or they didn't know."

"How annoying," Saiki sighed. "Are you doing to do something about it?"

"I wanna see how this is gonna end though," (Y/n) smirked. "Seeing these two have a cat fight will be entertaining."

"You do know I'm going to just use Imu against Teruhashi, right?" Saiki asked.

"Oh no you don't mister," (Y/n) took out the lollipop form her mouth and leaned down so her face was in front of Saiki's. She used her free hand and made him look her in the eyes. "Sorry sir, but your mine, got it?"

Saiki's face flushed a little red. Now this was different, but he didn't hate it. Actually, he thought it was cute. "Only yours."

"Uh, Saiki?" Imu asked, grabbing the pink haired boys attention. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Saiki nodded his head, quite fast. It was kinda weird at how fast he nodded his head, Imu was surprised he hadn't broken his neck yet.

"Uh, so, how do you feel about me?" Imu asked. Her next plan was to try and take Saiki away from his girlfriend.

Saiki simply gave a so so hand motion.

"So, do you mean you like me more than Teruhashi?" Imu asked.

Saiki had to admit, he gave a thumbs up. She defiantly was better than Teruhashi.

"Yes! Finally!" Imu smiled brightly "I'm better than her!"

"She has a crush on you," (Y/n) face palmed. "I knew this was going to happen?"

"How do you know?" Saiki asked.

"It's the same reason I fell for you," (Y/n) said, who was standing around the corner, arms crossed with a lollipop in her mouth once again. "Well, somewhat the same reason. You chose me to be your friend because you wanted to be my friend, not because of my money. That's one reason, and there are many others. What made me fall for you even more, was because you were willing to tolerate me even though you hate interacting with people."

Saiki smiled a little. "I love you, you know that?"

"I love you too." (Y/n) also smiled.

Imu ended up running away, since she thought Saiki was too handsome.

"What just happened?" Saiki asked.

"In her mind, you're too handsome for her to ask you out," (Y/n) said, sighing. She stepped out of her hiding spot, and walked over to her boyfriend. "She's starting to get on my nerves since she now has a crush on you."

"Hey, I said I'm only yours, remember?" Saiki asked, wrapping one arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders gently, leaning down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "And nothing is going to change that, I promise."

(Y/n) smirked a little, and got on the tips of her toes and kissed him softly on the lips.

Saiki smiled and kissed her back just as softly.

"I'm gonna hold you to that promise," (Y/n) smiled, wrapping one of her arms around Saiki's waist, resting her head on her head on his shoulder softly. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah." Saiki lead his girlfriend back to their classrooms to grab their bags.

Saiki and (Y/n) are both now at the park, the sun setting. Saiki was on his back, one arm behind his head while the other was wrapped around (Y/n)'s shoulders. As for (Y/n), her head was resting on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his waist.

"What made you decide to come to the park?" Saiki asked, wearing his Germanium ring to block out the thoughts of the people still lingering around the park.

"I just wanted some time alone," (Y/n) mumbled, shifting around a little so she was a bit more comfy. "We've both been pretty busy and haven't been able to spend some time together outside of school. I've been busy with work and you've been busy with all the crazy stuff outside of school."

"That is true," Saiki shifted his head so he's now looking at (Y/n). "I missed this. Too bad we haven't been able to go on a date yet."

"I'm free next week," (Y/n) said, looked up at him, looking into his pink eyes. "Maybe we can go on a date after school?"

"Is there anything specific you want to do together?" Saiki asked.

(Y/n) had to think "Uh, I don't think there's anything specific I want to do. I just want to spend some time with you, that's all."

Saiki started to think "Alright."

(Y/n) smiled, and closed her eyes. "Wake me up when my moms here to pick me up....I told her I was going to be with you at the park..."

"I will, don't worry." Saiki gently kissed (Y/n)'s forehead. 

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