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        So I fixed the whole age thing between Haruhi and the rest of the Host Club, so please stop telling me that "she was young when she had us" and all that stuff, because I have corrected this for the 3rd time. I'm currently running on an hour of sleep and am currently on my 12th cup of tea since 5 this morning, so please let rest for a while because I am very grumpy and I do not want to lash out at people. Goodbye.

"You you don't wanna come with us on the private jet?" The Hitachiin twins asked their niece. They were all at the airport to go to Okinawa but of course (Y/n)'s family arrived pretty early to the air port since they were going to catch an earlier flight. "You could avoid the typhoon."

"Even if I wanted to avoid it, I promised Saiki I would sit next to him during the flight," (Y/n) explained to her uncles. The flight that the class was going to be taking will be at 10 in the morning but the Host Club was going to be leaving at 8:30. "Besides, it's a good school experience for me. It's not every day we get to go on a class trip to Okinawa. We go ever summer anyways, so I'm not going to miss much if I get there before my classmates."

"But daddy doesn't want is precious princess to go on a plane with a bunch of boys!" Tamaki yelled as he hugged his daughter tightly from behind with his eyes pouring tears like a waterfall. "Who knows what those shady boys are going to do to you! I don't trust them at all!"

"Tamaki, (Y/n)'s going to be on a flight with Saiki," Haruhi pinched her husband by his ear, which made him stop fussing around. "We can trust Saiki to keep (Y/n) safe. And she's right, it's not every day that she gets to go on a school field trip with her friends, so at least let her have a good high school experience."

"You make sure you get a lot of rest, ok (Y/n)-chan?" Hani asked as he handed his niece a bag of cookies from one of the food stalls. "And make sure you eat and drink on the plane so your not hungry. Don't want to feel dizzy when you get off the plane, right?"

"Thank you Uncle Hani," (Y/n) smiled as she took the cookies and put them into her backpack that was sitting on the floor. "I'll be sure to remember."

"Sleep." Was all that Mori said.

(Y/n) knew what her uncle meant, and just gave a smile. "I'll sleep after the plane takes off."

"My baby!" Tamaki managed to get out of Haruhi's grip and just hugged his daughter even tighter. "Make sure to call daddy when you land! Drink lots of water and eat lots of food so you're not feeling sick! And make sure that no boys even dare touch you! None of them can sit even 10 feet of you!"

"Dad," (Y/n) laughed a little as she patted her fathers arm. "Don't worry. Saiki is going to be on the plane with me so nothing bad should happen. I will drink water and eat some food once they start serving food. I'll text you guys once we land and don't worry I'll catch up on some sleep."

"Now then," Kyoya grabbed Tamaki by the back of his shirt and started dragging the father towards the gates to the private jet that the Host Club was going to be taking. "Come now Tamaki, we shall be going before (Y/n)'s school mates start to show up. We wouldn't want any attention to be drawn to ourselves."

"But let me say goodbye to my baby!" Tamaki whined while he was still being dragged off.

"Have a good trip sweetie." Haruhi walked over to her daughter and gently kissed (Y/n) on the forehead before she followed her senpai and husband through the gates.

"Cya in Okinawa!" Hani waved goodbye as he skipped through the gates with Mori just waving while follwing his cousin.

"Make sure you cause a little trouble with your schoolmates." Hikaru draped one arm over (Y/n)'s shoulders.

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