Fried Dough with Powdered Sugar

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        With the third years graduating, Saiki's class are now the new third years. To be honest, Saiki could really care less about that what year he's in, due to the fact he just goes along with anything. With it, came a new freshman all the boy shave been talking about. Some were saying that she was cuter than Terushashi.

For Saiki however, he sees this freshman as a normal student who just has the same personality as Teruhashi. The only one that he ever thought was cute or the perfect pretty girl, is his girlfriend.

(Y/n)'s currently in Scotland, doing a photoshoot. As much as pictures from Scotland that's taken from the internet are nice on the magazine covers, (Y/n) said she thought taking pictures with Scotland's natural scenery was better.

"What are those guys doing?" Nendou broke Saiki out from his thoughts about his girlfriend, and came back to reality.

"Probably checking out the cute freshman." Kaidou said, already hearing all of Teruhashi's fanboys drooling all over the new freshman, Rifuta Imu. "I'm surprised Suoh's fan club hasn't turned on her yet."

"They're too loyal for that," Nendou said. He walked over to the girl, mostly unnoticed, before he was finally seen. "Fine, I guess she's cute, but Teruhashi is cuter, but Suoh is way prettier than both of them."

"Terushashi? Suoh? Who is that?" The girl asked, not knowing the two most popular girls in this school. "Wait, did he just say the first one was cuter and the second one was prettier than both of us? There's no way this dump of a school has two people who are cuter."

"He, Nendou!" One of the boys scolded him. "What are you talking about?"

"You tell him!" The freshman encouraged.

"That's not a fair comparison! You can't compare her to an angel and a goddess!" And she lost.

"This girl is ten times cuter than the average girl," Another male student piped in. "Not a hundred times cuter! But Suoh is gorgeous, beautiful, and overall a million times prettier!"

"They're all in different leagues!" Another boy shouted.

"They're that cute?" The freshman asked, her ego being knocked down a little.

"Shut up, back off." Nendou said to the boys crowding him.

"It's fine," The freshman tried to sound selfless. "I'm not that cute at all. But I'm curious to meet this Teruhashi and Suoh."

When Imu went to the classroom Teruhashi was in, she saw just how beautiful Teruhashi was. She thought she saw angel wings from behind her, but they were instead just clouds. But she didn't see (Y/n) anywhere.

"Um, where is Suoh?" Imu asked. She was hoping that there was just going to be an average girl all the boys are overexaggerating about. "I don't see her."

"Oh, Suoh is currently in Scotland," One of the guys said. "But we thought she would be back in Japan right about now, so we don't know if she's still there or she's home resting due to the time difference. Japan is 9 hours ahead and Suoh usually works really late in the evening."

"Huh, so she's not here?" The freshman asked. This was just what she was hoping for. Without the goddess of the school there to see her fanboys, (Y/n)'s fanboys would become hers.

It's lunch time, and Imu is just not getting what she was hoping for. With Teruhashi there, Imu isn't getting any spotlight. Teruhashi has been putting Imu in her place, saying the world revolves around her instead of the freshman.

"I'm back!" (Y/n) entered the cafeteria, brightening up the entire room. Compared to Teruhashi's glow, (Y/n)'s is like the sun, and Teruhashi's is a bonfire. "Hello!"

"Suoh!" The girls entire fan club rushed over to greet her. "You're here!"

"Hello everyone!" (Y/n) showed genuine happiness. She missed coming to school, since she always found this particular designer they worked with, to be very very stingy. "What did I miss?"

"There's a new freshman who goes by the name of Rifuta Imu, and she's very cute," One of her fans said. "But she's nothing compared to you, who's a goddess!"

"Awe please don't give me such titles," (Y/n) smiled. "Please be nice to her, ok?"

"Ok!" Her fans cheered.

"The world doesn't revolve around either of them," Saiki said, standing up from his seat at the lunch table with Nendou. He walked over to (Y/n), and gave her a hug. "It revolves around (Y/n)."

(Y/n) happily hugged her boyfriend back. "Hi Kusuo! Did you miss me that much?"

Saiki only nodded.

All of P.K. Academy knew about (Y/n) and Saiki's relationship. A lot of them have come to accept it, and have remained respectful about their relationship. As for Teruhashi, she refuses to believe that her crush is dating someone, so she tries to ignore the fact that Saiki belongs to (Y/n).

"Awe," (Y/n) pulled away from the hug and held Saiki's hand into hers. "Let's eat, I'm getting pretty hungry."

"When did you get back? I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow," Saiki asked, letting (Y/n) lead the way to the table he was previously sitting at with Nendou. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I got back this morning," (Y/n) smiled, sitting down in one of the chairs and Saiki sat next to her. "Our jet had a small problem, so we were delayed in Schotland for a while. Mom and dad insisted I stay home and sleep, but I really wanted to come see you."

"How come I wasn't able to hear your thoughts?" Saiki asked, picking up a little hot dog that was cut into an octopus, and popped it into his mouth.

"I wanted to surprise you!" (Y/n) smiled, not minding Saiki taking a little octo dog. Her mom had made her a quick bento full of (Y/n)'s favorite things before the girl left for school.

"You're really too cute, you know that?" Saiki asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Hm? I am?" (Y/n) asked. She never saw herself as cute or beautiful. (Y/n) instead found herself to be a normal girl, who just so happened to have telepathy. To (Y/n), she thinks everyone is beautiful, whether they're nice on the inside and not pretty on the outside, or pretty on the outside and rotten on the inside. (Y/n) judges on personality, not look when it comes to first impressions.

"Yeah," Saiki smiled, and leaned forward, giving his girlfriend a small kiss on her forehead. He still isn't used to big PDA, but small gestures such as kisses on the cheek or forehead or holding hands, he was alright with that. Now if he were to kiss her, that's for when no one is looking. "I love you."

That's the first time Saiki said he loved her since the relationship had started. To Saiki, it's nice to say. As for (Y/n), it's nice to hear.

"I love you too." The girl looked up at him, and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

To say that (Y/n)'s fangirls and fanboys were all dying of the cuteness of the couple, would be an understatement. 

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