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"I see," Saiki said as he was walking through a festival full of couples and families. "I was wonder what all the commotion was. Turns out it's some kind of summer festival. Usually crowds bug me but I'm actually ok with these things."

Saiki started to remember something in his head when it came to festivals, and his best friend popped into his head. "My parents used to take me and (Y/n) to the festivals all the time. I was obsessed with winning this one prize for (Y/n) but I never was able to. It still bugs me to this day. All in all, I have good memories of the fair, especially with (Y/n)."

"Saiki?" (Y/n) asked using telepathy. She was able to hear him, but she couldn't locate him. (Y/n) was a little glad that she was wearing normal clothes to this summer festival, she could move around the festival more freely, and especially run away from the crazy fanboys. "Saiki, are you here?"

"(Y/n)?" Saiki asked, stopping in his tracks to look around for his friend. There was no sign of her. "What stall are you near?"

"I'm actually stuck with Nendou at the moment," The girl gave a nervous laugh. "I ran into him trying to avoid some boys, and he said I could stick with him until we found you. Glad to know that you are around here."

"Sounds like it will be easy to find you then." Saiki said. Knowing Nendou, that boy was loud as heck. You ever needed to find Nendo you just need to listen, and he'll be right there.

"Please come save me, he's trying to return some Tokoyaki that doesn't have any octopus in it, but he already bit into one," (Y/n) begged her friend for help. Honestly she really needed Saiki to come save her because this was a useless argument. "It's drawing peoples attention to us and I don't really like it..."

Luckily for (Y/n), Saiki just so happened to be passing by Nendou and (Y/n) at the food stall. He walked over quickly, grabbed his friends hand, and made a quick walk the same direction Saiki was originally going.

"Let's go somewhere else," Saiki dragged his friend to a different location, hoping to avoid Nendou. "So what brings you here to the festival? I thought your mom and dad would be having you dress up in something or have you stay home to avoid boys."

"Uncle Kyoya and the twins snuck me out of the house with mom's help," (Y/n) explained. "They went through this whole elaborate plan by sneaking me out through my window using a ladder, where my Uncles were holding it while Uncle Kyoya was keeping watch. How they managed to convince him to do such a plan, I don't know. I also didn't want to dress up because I wanted to be able to get down the ladder and run away from any fanboys."

"Sounds like you planned ahead." Saiki commented, not letting go of (Y/n)'s hand so she doesn't get lost in the crowd.

"So where are we going?" (Y/n) asked, not bothered by Saiki holding her hand. He used to do that when they were younger, mostly when (Y/n) would hear negative thoughts about her and he was there to comfort her.

"We're just going to avoid as many people as we can," Saiki said as they were passing Kaidou at one of the game booths, commenting on the quark gun like it was some kind of actual gun. "Cover your eyes."

"What?" (Y/n) asked, but Saiki's hands were put on top of her eyes, blocking her view of whatever was going to be in front of her. All she could hear was Hairo yelling some stuff, but she couldn't see through his hands. "Ku, what's going on?"

"Something you should not see," Was all he said. "We should go. Is the pastry shop still open tonight?"

"Yeah. They don't close till 10:30," (Y/n) checked the time on her phone. "We have about 2 hours."

"Perfect," Saiki brought her over to one of the food stalls, where there were caramel apples. "Want one for the road?"

"No thank you," (Y/n) held onto his hand.

"Just one please," Saiki said to the man behind the stall.

"That'll be 300 yen. But if you want, I can sell you two for the price of one since you two look like such a lovely couple." The man behind the stall smiled.

"O-Oh, we're not a couple," (Y/n)'s face went red as she let go of Saiki's hand. "We're just friends."

"Your face says otherwise." The man teased her. "Are you sure that you two aren't dating?"

"I'm really sure, isn't that right Saiki?" (Y/n) looked to her right, only to see her friend wasn't there. "Saiki? Where did he go?"

"He disappeared," The man said, looking around for the pink haired boy as well. "Maybe he didn't like your comment about just being friends."

"Maybe..." (Y/n) started to think. She's never really thought of Saiki as more than just a best friend. For her, Saiki has just been there for her when the negative thoughts got to her. He was there when she was 10 to help her practice her lines. He was there during one of her photoshoots when she had to work with a very strange photographer (not pedophilia I promise). He was there for everything.

"Would you like to wait for him here?" The man asked.

"No thank you," (Y/n) denied his request and she gave a small smile. "I think I'll go looking for him."

"Oh, there you are," (Y/n) said when she finally found her friend, and three idiots with him. "I thought you left after I said we were just friends."

"No," Saiki's inner voice had no sadness in it, even though he did feel sad that she only saw him as a friend. "My wallet was stolen, so I went on a little hunt. I also got this mask." He held up the demon mask he used on the thief. "You can have it."

(Y/n) took the mask into her hands, and put it on. "How did someone manage to pick pocket you? That never happens to you."

"Don't rub it in," Saiki said while he just watched the other three be idiots. "Can we just go to the shop now? I don't want to stick around here any longer than I have to."

"Yeah," (Y/n) took Saiki's hand into hers, and started leading the way to the pastry shop. "Let's get going, I'm sure there are fresh pastries being made right now."

"Well, if he does like me," (Y/n) thought to herself, blocking Saiki from her thoughts as she lead the way. I think I'll start paying more attention to him."

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