Luigi's Lemon Italian Ice

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Hi. I'm alive, I think. Anyways, college is starting back up for me again and I have more classes than last time, and that means more stress for me, so I hope I'll pull through. I've also been thinking of what fun chapter I could write for this one, but I've decided to fall back onto the anime. Hope you all enjoy this chapter, cya guys later.

Sitting on her boyfriends desk with a pocky in her mouth, (Y/n) scrolled through her phone. She'd recently received a bunch of emails from film companies offering her lead roles, but each one of them involved some kind of romance scene that involved a kiss, and there is no way (Y/n) is going to kiss another boy when she's dating Saiki. The only kiss she'll do is a stage kiss, with a hand over her and her co-actor's cheeks to make it look like she pulled him into a kiss, but that's it.

"More movie offers?" Saiki asked, resting his head on (Y/n)'s lap with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Sadly," The young actor sighed. "Sadly a lot of the positions are supposed to involve me kissing someone, and I am not kissing someone who isn't you."

"Why not?" Saiki asked. "I know it's for work, and I know you'd never cheat on me. Besides, someone of those emails look like they will make you a lot of your own money."

"Even so, I don't want to kiss someone that isn't you, regardless if it's work or not," She shrugged hers shoulders. With her free hand, she played with her boyfriends soft pink hair. "Ok you really need to tell me your hair routine. It's so soft."

"I'll tell you later," The boy said. "Just let me enjoy this."

"Hey, pal." Nendou greeted his friend.

"You want to go on a trip somewhere tomorrow?" Kaidou said, greeting his friend with a weird hand gesture.

"I made plans already," Aren greeted with the same hand gesture as Kaidou. "But let's take a long bike trip."

"Really..." Saiki's peacefulness with (Y/n) was rudely interrupted by people that he didn't want to associate himself with in the beginning.

"I have a tent at my house," Kaidou said. "So we can camp out somewhere on the way. Bring a sleeping bag!"


"Sounds fun?" Kaidou asked. "You should come too, pal."

"I see," Saiki did not have an amused expression on his face. "I'll pass."

Saiko was laughing as he listened to the boys plans.

"What are you laughing at, Saiko?" Kaidou asked, not amused.

"Nothing, sorry," He was obviously lying. He had that look on his face that said what the boys were planning was boring compared to whatever he was going to say. "I was just thinking what a wretched vacation that would be."

Saiki had to tighten his arms around his girlfriend, who was about to punch this guy in the face. She remembered when she used to go camping with her family. Actual camping, not whatever Tamaki and the other rich men thought camping was. Luckily they had managed to survive because of Haruhi and (Y/n), who cooked the food and everything else that was necessary. Treating poison ivy, treating bug bites, removing ticks from them, and a bunch of other things that they would not survive from if it wasn't for (Y/n) and her mother.

"It's just sad."

Saiki had to tighten his arms once again.

"Don't laugh if it's sad!" Kaidou yelled once again.

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