Chocolate Cake

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Walking through the city, (Y/n) and Saiki were broth grabbing some stuff. Some of them were sweets, others were things that their parents requested them to buy. Even though (Y/n)'s family is super rich, and can go anywhere they want to eat, (Y/n)'s mom likes to make dinner at the house while her husband and high school friends go out and do whatever they want. Besides (Y/n)'s father loves to have home cooked food form his wife and daughter.

"That boy is in my class, and so is that girl. Awe, he must be so miserable being next to such an immature ugly brat. Maybe I should go over and brighten up his day." A very annoying voice came though (Y/n)'s and Saiki's heads.

"Oh she did not just call me an immature ugly brat." (Y/n) thought to her friend, ready to slap Teruhashi if she had too.

"Don't pay attention to Teruhashi. She's the immature brat." Saiki said, trying to help his friend calm down. He knows how much power (Y/n)'s family has, and messing with her, means you'd be messing with some of he scariest people on the planet. "She hasn't seen your face yet, and I don't think you're ugly or an immature brat. I think you're fine just the way you are."

"Awe! Thanks so much Saiki!" (Y/n) smiled, hugging her friends arm for a second, before she just continued walking with him.

Both had to stop at a cross walk, since a few cars were passing by.

The girl suddenly walked infant of them. She winked at Saiki, and had this aura around her, which made (Y/n) all the more uncomfortable. "Saiki. Hi! I couldn't help but notice you look sad."

"I'm already starting to hate her." (Y/n) thought, a small tick mark on the back of her head.

"Oh. And I just noticed you as well!" Teruhashi smiled, even though both teens could see it was fake. "There we go! Now she has a memory to cherish! Since the most pretty girl in school came to see Saiki, and whoever she is."

"You can't kill her yet." Saiki thought, noticing (Y/n)'s body temperature starting to increase steadily.

"Damn you." (Y/n) thought.

Saiki and (Y/n) both gave a small bow in acknowledgment, before walking away.

(Y/n) watched the scenarios of why Saiki didn't bother to say anything. She was mentally laughing at how Saiki was shown emotions, even though he really doesn't. That would be a very rare sight for (Y/n) to see.

"Stop laughing at me." Saiki demanded, giving her a deadpan look.

Just as Teruhashi was about to touch Saiki, he and (Y/n) both moved to the right, and kept walking.

(Y/n) mentally sighed. "Is this girl dense or something?"

"I'm wondering that myself." Saiki thought, deadpanning again.

"Oh wow! She's so pretty!" A voice made Teruhashi look back, only to see no one. When she turned back aground to look at Saiki, wondering if he was the one who said it, it as a man in a suit, staring at (Y/n).

"Who does she think she is!? I'm way prettier than her! I'm the perfect pretty girl!" Teruhashi yelled in her head. "That little brat has nothing on me!"

"Do you want to head to my house? I'm sure my mom and dad would be happy to see you again." (Y/n) smiled, putting up an act for her, and Saiki's sake.

Saiki simply nodded.

"Though, do you wanna head home first? You can drop the groceries off at home." (Y/n) offered, giving off a warm smile to her friend.

The people around them started looking at (Y/n). Many were thinking that she was really cute, others were thinking that Saiki was lucky to have a 'girlfriend' as pretty as (Y/n).

"What the heck!? They're all looking at her?!" Teruhashi mentally yelled. She really was thinking this was the worst thing in the universe.

"I'll call the limo." (Y/n) smiled, before she took out the latest (phone brand) phone out form her skirt pocket. She called the limo.

"There is no way this chick has a limo coming for her. She's just making it seem like she does. She's not even that rich, with those brands of clothes she has on, I'm way better." Teruhashi mentally thought, boosting her own ego just a little bit more.

Just a couple minutes later, a long black limo arrived right in front of (Y/n) and Saiki. The window rolled down, and there sat her father. "Need a lift, Princess?"

"Would you please just stop calling me princess out here in public?" (Y/n) asked her father.

"Sorry sorry." Tamaki gave a small smile, before opening the door. "Get in."

Both (Y/n) and Saiki got into the limo, before driving off.

(Y/n) didn't even need to hear Teruhashi's thoughts. The look on the blue haired girls face was saying it all.

"You really are evil." Saiki thought to his friend, a small smirk on his face. "You just embarrassed one of the most popular girls form our school, out in public."

"Why do you have that shady look on your face?" Tamaki asked, looking at the pink haired boy.

"Dad. You remember Saiki." (Y/n) had to remind her father who Saiki was every year, since Tamaki ted stop not remember who boys are.

"Oh yeah! I remember! Good to see you again!" Tamaki's mood changed, made a full 180 turn. "I'll have our driver drop you off at home."

Saiki just nodded, and gave a small sitting bow in thanks.

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