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"What do you want to eat?" Saiki asked, walking with (Y/n), Nendou, and Kaidou to Hidari Wakibara Coffee Shop. They all planned on getting something to eat. Well, more like Saiki was dragged with the other two and (Y/n) just followed.

"I'm not sure," (Y/n) said, looking down at her phone while she texted her mom and dad, saying that she was going to be having a snack at a cafe with some friends. Of course, Tamaki was blowing up her phone with saying that she should not be hanging around Saiki and his friends and that she should be coming home right now. The only thing (Y/n) can imagine right now, is her mom just sipping some coffee while her father was crying into a pillow in the living room. "Mom is making some homemade chicken and potatoes tonight, so maybe something small."

"I think they have some (favorite pastry). You can get some (favorite drink) as well," Saiki said, following the two bickering idiots about Dark Reunion and a few other things. "I can pay for the food, since I disappeared during the festival the other day."

"How could I deny free food?" (Y/n) joked, shrugging her shoulders a little with a smile on her face. She blocked Saiki form her thoughts, since she wanted to think to herself for a moment. "Buying me food? Even though the festival was a while ago, he's still trying to make it up. That sounds just like something Saiki would want to do."

"You alright?" Saiki asked as they had arrived at the Cafe. "You suddenly went quiet. You usually have some kind of whitty comment to make after you say that."

"Oh nothing," (Y/n) smiled before she stepped inside after Kaidou kept the door open for her. "Thank you Kaidou."

"Y-you're welcome!" The poor blue haired boy's face flushed bright red, his heart going at least a 1000 mph.

"Stupid Kaidou..." Saiki cursed his friend for doing something that he was planning on doing for (Y/n).

Nendou and Kaidou were both sitting across from Saiki and (Y/n). Nendou was playing with a straw while Kaidou was talking, but (Y/n) and Saiki were both talking using their Telepathy. (Y/n) was eating a (favorite pastry) with some (favorite tea flavor) tea.

"I thought you would have gone with some juice or something," Saiki said, eating some of his won pastry. "Not tea."

"I just felt like having something a little different," (Y/n) smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "By the way, it seems we have a small problem."

"Yumehara and Teruhashi?" Saiki asked, already knowing who (Y/n) was thinking about, since he could hear the other two girl's voices since they were now in their range of telepathy. "Those two are really awkward."

"They never really talk outside of school," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. She knows the girls well enough to know that Teruhashi is too busy trying to get Saiki all flustered over her while Yumehara was too busy trying to figure out her feelings for Saiki. "I've seen their interactions, and it's usual just some school talk but they don't have any contact with each other. Not even a phone number or email."

"They mentioned the school field trip," Saiki remembered the school trip that was coming up. "Okinawa is a nice place during the spring and summer time."

"It is," (Y/n) remembered her family traveling to Okinawa when she was younger. "Dad was always so protective over mom and I whenever we travel outside of the country. He even paid for everything for a few female body guards to watch me and mom when we took baths to keep perverts away. Then he would even hire male bodyguards to watch us when mom would take me out sight seeing when he was still asleep."

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