Red Velvet Cake

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        Once again, (Y/n) and Saiki were going to be visiting the oldest members of the Saiki family, Kumagoro and Kumi Saiki. This time though, (Y/n) is not visiting as a family friend, but instead, as their grandson's girlfriend.

"I'm so anxious." Kumagoro said, standing outside of his house with his hands on his hips, his face showing his excitement.

His wife however, was inside the house. She was kneeling down on the floor by the door open, looking at her husband. "You don't need to wait outside."

"What are you talking about?" Kumagoro asked, turning back to his wife. "I'm just getting some fresh air!"

But on the inside, he's really excited. He even started imagining this scenario with Saiki smiling and jumping into his arms, with Kurumi standing on the side, her husband not in sight. There even was (Y/n), who was standing next to Kurumi as well.

"My grandson and daughter are coming!" The older man cheered. "(Y/n) is going to be coming too!"

"I'm closing the door to keep the bugs out." His wife said, before the phone started ringing. "Oh, could that be Kurumi?"

Just as Kumi was about to answer the phone, her husband instead took the phone from her hands. It was a landline phone, who knew.

"Oh, Dad?" Kuniharu asked. "It's me."

Kumagoro hung up the phone.

"Who was it?" Kumi asked.

"It was probably a scammer," The grandfather stood up.

"Oh my." Was all his wife could say, buying the lie her husband told.

"The call got disconnected?" Kuniharu asked. "I'll try again."

"So, how do you think your grandparents are going to react to you introducing me as your girlfriend instead of your friend this time?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her pink haired boyfriend with a small smile on her face.

The younger couple had a little plan in mind. Saiki was going to be introducing (Y/n) again, just like when they were little kids, but this time, he'll introduce (Y/n) as his girlfriend instead of his friend.

"Grandpa is most likely going to act like that's not very exciting news," Saiki responded, already imagining what his grandfather is going to be like. "But my grandma? She's probably going to cry in happiness."

"Why cry?" (Y/n) asked, her smile was gone and her face morphed into one of confusion.

"Believe it or not, grandma always wanted us to end up together," The pink haired boy shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows though. She could just smile and pat us on the head like she used to do when we would play outside."

"Your grandpa is quite weird." (Y/n) laughed a little. She loved every one of the members of the Saiki family, yes, even her boyfriend's older brother. Though they were all different, they were like a second family to her. "Remind me, why is your dad pretending to be you, even though he is doing a really horrible impression of you."

"It's my dad, what else do you expect?" The pink haired boy let out a small sigh.

"Good point," (Y/n) nodded, and grabbed a pastry from her lunch bag. It was an insulated lunch bag, where the pastries (Y/n) always bring her boyfriend. She brought out a crepe she had grabbed from the pastry shop before leaving, and offered it to Saiki. "You want a bite?"

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