Halloween Candy

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This is more of a filler chapter than anything. I just got to season 2 of the anime, and the English dub isn't available on Netflix for season 2, so now I gotta do a lot of reading for the subtitles. This is also a bit of a Halloween special, so, here we go. Bye bye!

        11 year old (Y/n) was currently getting ready for Halloween in her room. She was dressing up as a warrior princess. Her family was grateful that she was able to keep the armor from one of her TV shows and the prop sword, which wasn't real metal. The crown on her head was one Kyoya had gotten her, which luckily didn't have real jewels, didn't want the girls crown to be taken.

        "(Y/n), are you almost ready my princess?" Tamaki asked, knocking on his daughters room door.

        "Almost!" (Y/n) smiled and hopped off her bed. She was getting her hair done, all that's left was to put her crown on, which was sitting on her vanity.

        Tamaki entered the room, seeing his adorable daughter doing her hair. It was pulled back (sorry if your hair was too short be pulled back) into a tight braid with little flowers woven into her hair. "Would you like some help?"

        "Please?" (Y/n) asked. She was struggling with keeping the flowers in her hair. There were a few of them she had managed to get woven in and stay in, but she was still struggling with a few of the bigger flowers. "I can't get some of these flowers to stay."

        "Of course my dear," Tamaki walked over and sat on his daughters bed, and stared fixing her hair. "You look lovely, dear Princess."

        "And you look too handsome to be a pirate," (Y/n) was referring to Tamaki's costume. The Suoh family decided to go as what they wanted instead of going with one family theme. Tamaki was a pirate, Haruhi was going as a zombie, and (Y/n) the warrior princess. "You look like the noble that the pirates stole from."

        "I'm glad you think I look handsome." Tamaki smiled and continued to do his daughters hair.

        "I thought you two would be in here," Haruhi came into her daughters room, and saw her husband fixing (Y/n)'s hair. "The rest of the Host Club is down stairs." Even though they haven't been the Ouran Highschool Host Club in a long time, they refer each other as their old club name because they were still the same people and they were still as close as they used to be.

        "Already?" Tamaki asked. "I thought they would've been here later."

        "That's what I thought, but I guess they all wanted to see (Y/n) in her costume." (Y/n) kept her costume a secret from the rest of her family, wanting to surprise them.

        "Why don't you go down stairs and surprise them?" Tamaki asked, already finished with his daughters hair.

        (Y/n) nodded, before she hopped off her bed and grabbed the crown from her vanity. The 11 year old girl swiftly put her crown on and ran down stairs, seeing the Host Club all in the living room. "Surprise!"

        "You look so adorable!!!" The twins were the first ones to react. They almost tackled the poor girl in a hug, but (Y/n) swiftly dodged, making the twins end up hitting their faces down onto the floor. The twins were both dressed as the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

        "You look adorable (Y/n)-chan!" Hani ran over to his niece, who was only 3 inches (I just looked up the average height for 11 year old girl in the 50th percentile and it's about 4'7-4'8. All children grow at different rates so again this is just the average) shorter than him. Hani hasn't grown since graduation, but that just made his opponents underestimate him and then they're face first on the floor 4 seconds later. "You look like you can take anyone on!" Hani was dressed up Napoleon, quite a short man but strong. Even though Napoleon wanted to take over the world, Hani wants to take over the worlds pastry shops.

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