Strawberry Banana Smoothie

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I pray that college Spring Break shall be here soon. My mental health is not doing so well. So thanks a lot college! My mental health can't be solved with a pain reliever!

Anyways, enjoy.

"Just how many new students are we supposed to be getting?" (Y/n) asked, sighing. She's starting to get a bit tired of new students coming in in their first year and ones coming in during the school year. "Looks like we're supposed to be getting a girl this time, and like always, boys are gonna start drooling."

"Ew," Saiki sighed. He's starting to get tired from the amount of new students they're supposed to be getting as well. "Just ignore her. She's most likely going to be like everyone else who transferred in. Some kind of special snowflake."

"Am I a special snowflake?" (Y/n) asked her boyfriend, resting her chin on her arms, which were resting on Saiki's desk.

"More like a snowflake, nothing special." The pink haired boy teased his girlfriend.

"No discounted sweets for you," (Y/n) huffed. She knows her boyfriend is pulling her leg, and she can pull his right back. "I'll text the bakery right now."

"Wait, don't."

The door opened, and in came the teacher. "Please be seated."

Well, all the boys were standing at their desks, their faces red and eager to see who the new girl was.

"That was fast," The teacher said. Usually the students wouldn't listen to her, and yet here we are. "I'm going to introduce our new transfer student. Come in."

In came a girl with tanned skin with a red crescent moon and star under her left eye. She had light green hair and eyes. "What's up?"

And that shattered the expectations.

"Are they seriously only focusing on her breasts?" (Y/n) asked, sitting at her own desk now as she kept hearing the boys thoughts. It's not like he's ever wanted to hear them, but sadly her powers were preventing her from being spared of the thoughts of horny boys.

"Sadly." Oh how Saiki wished he could save his girlfriend from the suffering of horny boys thoughts, but without something to cancel her powers, there was no helping her.

"I'm Makoto Acura," The girl wrote her name on the chalk board. "Just call me Miko. My hobbies are fortune-telling and decorating nails."

"Fortune-telling?" Yumehara asked with a smile on her face. "I'm into that too!"

"A match made in heaven." (Y/n) gave a lazy smile.

"You could say that again." Saiki smiled a little.

"Really?" Miko asked, happy to see someone else who is interested in her hobby. "Fortune-tellling is awesome, right? What's your name?"

"I'm Chiyo Yumehara," The girl smiled. "I can show you this fortune-teller who's really good."

"Thanks," Miko said, unzipping her bag. "But you've got it wrong, Chiyopipi."

"You already gave me a nickname?" Yumehara asked. Well that was quick.

Makoto brought out a ball with many patterns on it. "I'm a fortune-teller myself."

"A match really made in heaven." (Y/n) laughed on the inside.

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