Chocolate, Strawberry, and Lime Cake Pt.1

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        "(Y/n)!!!" Tamaki shouted, running towards his daughter, arms open and a big smile on his face.

(Y/n) ducked down, and swept his legs from under him. She watched as her father fell into the couch. "Stop running at me like that. You'll end up tripping on something."

Tamaki got up from the couch, and hugged his daughter tightly. "I was thinking about the Host Club go visits Ouran Academy. I want to see how the Host Club has been since we left."

"Why would you want to go back? Isn't Uncle Kyoya going to say no?" (Y/n) asked, pinching the skin on top of hand.

Tamaki whined, knowing she probably got that from his wife. "Kyoya said we could. We all wanted to see how it's been, and maybe have a little fun."

"Don't tell me you are going to host." (Y/n) deadpanned.

"Of course we are! We have to show those new hosts who rules the club!" Tamaki made a triumphant pose. He was really excited. He always loved putting on acts, and having the themes.

"I guess it could be fun." (Y/n) shrugged. She really hasn't seen Ouran Academy. She could've gone, but Haruhi wanted (Y/n) to go to a school that didn't surround the high class stuff. "Can I bring Saiki?"

"Why not? But one condition, you have make sure he's going to host along with us." Tamaki smiled.

"No way. Not in a million years. I am not going to attract attention to myself." Saiki said, sitting on the couch of his home.

"Please Saiki? I don't want to go to without you. I'll be so bored!" (Y/n) whined. "Please Saiki?"

"Give me one good reason to go." Saiki demanded, taking a bite of his coffee jelly.

"There will be free cake. Payed by the host club. You can have as many sweets as you want." (Y/n) knew this would probably convince him.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Saiki asked, and grabbed his friends hand and teleported them back to the Shou mansion.

"Knew that would work." (Y/n) smiled brightly. "Now come on! We gotta head back to my house, then we'll head over."

"This school is huge." Saiki pointed out, kinda amazed that the school was so much bigger than what he thought it was. "And to think you didn't want to go here."

"I couldn't handle wearing a school uniform where we all looked like walking somewhat roasted marshmallows." (Y/n) sighed, leaning against the limo seats, trying to get herself a little more comfortable. "Besides, I can't handle all those stuck up rich kids, along with the other kids being fake friends because of the money other families have."

"So what would happen if Teruhashi went here?" Saiki asked, looking at the students a rebound them, before the limo came to a halt at the entrance of the school.

"She would catch the attention of people, but when they find out how much money she has, they'll all dump her. Besides, she'll have a bunch of rivals. The girls at this school are much prittier, and they're not as suck up as her." (Y/n) admitted. She suddenly got dragged out of the limo from her uncles.

"Ouran! Ouran! Ouran! Ouran!" The twins shouted, running into the school with Honey, Tamaki, Mori, with Kyoya just following behind, with his little black book in his hand like he had when he was younger.

"I'm sorry that they're always so energetic." Haruhi looked at Saiki, while she was dressed in a baggy shirt, along with some jeans, making herself look like a boy. She liked keeping up this little thing with her being a boy. It was kinda fun.

"It's alright. But I just wish that they would all shut up sometimes." Saiki responded. He's ok with them, but he really thinks is the best thing, is that (Y/n) had taken after her mother. Polite, and has some common sense.

"Don't worry. All you have to do is mention something, like traveling, there would only be talk about the sights, and you could escape as long as your quiet." Haruhi gave him a few tip, and walked into her old high school, happy to see how everything hasn't changed.

Saiki just followed the original host club, while watching (Y/n) drop kick her twin uncles down the stairs. He stepped to the right, avoiding the two bodies.

"Why did you two have to do that to us?!" The twins yelled form the bottom floor, starring at their niece.

"Cause you two were about to start causing some trouble!" (Y/n) yelled, and ran up the stairs, trying to outrun her uncles, who ran past Saiki and the rest of the Host Club.

"Sounds like your family is really excited about this." Saiki said to his friends, following (Y/n)'s family though a large hallway.

"They haven't been back for a long time. Ever since they graduated, mom and dad had moved in together, and soon got married, and had me. Uncle Hikaru and Kaoru both took up their mothers job. Uncle Honey and Uncle Mori had both became famous coaches. They all didn't have much of a chance to visit." (Y/n) knew how much they al enjoyed the host club. It was something Tamaki would have (Y/n) stay away from, mainly because of him not wanting her to follow her mother's footsteps.

"Well now I can't blame them." Saiki said, shrugging his shoulders.

(Y/n) just gave out a small giggle. "We're about to enter the club."

"A music room?" Saiki asked, kinda dumbfounded.

Tamaki opened the doors, and flower petals started coming out of the room. It wasn't as bright of a vibe as the original host club.

When the light dimmed down, there were only 6 different boys. All were somewhat handsome. "Welcome."

(Y/n) just stared at them, dumbfounded. She was expecting something, better than what was presented to her.

One boy had white hair, along with yellow eyes. He had bandaids and cuts all over his face, along with thin black fingerless gloves. He was wearing the schools uniform, but the tie was loose, and his shirt was slightly buttoned down.

Two of them were twins. Both had bright blonde hair, along with ocean blue eyes. They both wore the school uniform, and seemed to be dressed properly.

Another was a boy who was very tall. He had forest green eyes, along with black hair. His stare seemed really scary, but that didn't effect any of the host club.

The other was a smaller boy. He was taller than Honey, but only by about 5 inches. He had dark brown hair, and frost green eyes. He held a teddy bear in his arms, but wasn't as cute as Honey is.

The last one had red hair, along with red eyes. He had on some thin black framed glasses, ad seemed to be like Kyoya.

"Oh wow..." The entiere host club all said in their minds. This was not what they had expected to be honest.

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