Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

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(Y/n) walked into school, feeling tired like usual. Her father and Kyoya were giving her 'the talk', while (Y/n) already knew about all of it. Haruhi had already told the girl when she became 13, and she's already 16. It wasn't super awkward, until Kyoya started going into the details of how the human body gets ready for sexual intercourse. Of course, (Y/n) just threw a black notebook at him, while shoving cake into her fathers mouth, and stormed off to her room. It was way too awkward to talk to them this morning.

(Y/n) noticed Saiki standing in the middle of the hallway, looking at Hairo, who was encouraging a girl carrying a heavy box.

"Whatcha doing?" (Y/n) asked, standing next to Saiki, watching as the girl struggled.

"Just figuring out why everyone seems to be so behind Hairo whenever he does anything." Saiki said, watching Hairo then start to do bunny hops with the box on his back, and three other boys joining him.

"Think it's because he pushes himself like a role model to other students?" (Y/n) asked, wondering.

"Spot on."

Saiki and (Y/n) were both walking together when school had ended. The original plan was for the two of them to go to a sweets shop and get a couple of sweets, before studying for a test they would have coming up.

"Hey Saiki! Suoh! I need your help with something." Hairo approached the two from behind.

"The school sports day is coming up and I'm working on building the entry gate for it right now. One of the other students would've helped me, but he came down sick with a cold." Hairo said, explaining. "It's almost done. Just gotta connect the arch to pedestals. Can you you two give me a hand-" Hairo opened the door, only to see that one of the pillars had befallen onto the arch, breaking it.

(Y/n) gave Saiki some ear plugs, and put some in in her ears as well. Saiki followed her lead, and put his in as well. That's when the yelling and encouraging started.

"I think Saiki and I should go. We will need other students." (Y/n) said, turning to walk out of the door, her pink haired friend following, but they were stopped.

After a little bit of talking, (Y/n) and Saiki agreed to just staying, and help build what the could. They kept their earplugs in through, cause Hairo couldn't stop yelling.

"Remind me why you're just hammering in a nail?" (Y/n) asked, while she was helping Hairo with the wood cutting. She was surprised she wasn't deft at the moment.

"If I use too much strength, then we might end up loosing the entire school." Saiki responded, but ended up breaking the wood handle of the mallet.

"We need more lumber! I'm counting on you two to get as much done as you can!" Hairo yelled, running out of the school doors to fetch more wood.

(Y/n) sighed, and sat down on the floor. "He's way too energetic. I'm starting to get really tired."

"Why do you think I don't want to be around him so much?" Saiki asked, already working on the arch. He got everything cut and nailed down. "I got this much done for us, so we should probably wait til he comes back. I dont' want to deal with him bugging us tomorrow if we leave."

"Alright." (Y/n) said, sending a text to her mom and dad saying she was staying at school late to help with some sports day decorating. Of course, Haruhi was happy her daughter was getting into the school spirit. Tamaki, well, you know him, yelling about how she should make sure she's with another girl and not alone with a boy.

"Wanna join me?" Saiki asked, holding a book in front of him.

(Y/n) smiled. She sat next to him, leaning over his shoulder to read the book with him.

It's been nearly two hours since Hairo had left. (Y/n) was sound asleep next to Saiki, while was staying as still as he possibly could, not wanting to wake the girl up.

Saiki started looking for Hairo, was was quite interested to see Hairo dragging a large log with him. Saiki sighed, thinking Hairo really should've just given up. Saiki went back to reading his book, making sure (Y/n) was still asleep.

There was yelling. (Y/n) started to stir awake, only to see Hairo crash next to her, face first into the wall.

"Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry." (Y/n) rubbed her eyes, and yawned.

The students staying after all showed up, motivated by what Hairo had done. (Y/n) smiled, and started taking pictures with her phone, wanting to print them out and put them in her scrap book. She loved how everyone was in such high sprits.

"Wait, isn't sports day a month away?" A student asked.

This caught everyones attention.

"A month will pass in no time!" Hairo said, happy to have the entire thing done.

(Y/n) giggled, and took a picture of everyone, knowing this was going to be a funny memory.

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