Cream Puff

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"I hate everything." Saiki thought, sighing. This day was not something he didn't want. It was the schools sports day, which meant he had to struggle to keep his powers in control.

"Awe. Kusuo you shouldn't be so down. You might get wrinkles if you keep frowning your brows like that." (Y/n) giggled, patting her childhood friend on the shoulder. "Besides, you're not going to be in too many events. I think you're going to be alright."

"Easy for you to say. You only have telekinesis, not the rest of these stupid powers." Saiki growled, while he whacked the girls hand off of his shoulder. He could control some aspects of his strength, but when it comes to needing a lot of strength, that's where everything goes south. "I'd rather just have telekenisis than have the rest of the powers. Maybe then I'd be happy."

"Awe. You're not happy here with me?" (Y/n) pouted, teasing him.

"Dead right." Saiki said, deciding to be mean to his friend.

"You're so mean!" The girl yelled in her head, while making an angry pouty face at him.

"Listen up guys. Today is about one being number one!" Hair yelled, managing to get all of their class to get on his side, with just as much enthusiasm as him.

"How come you didn't skip?" (Y/n) asked, leaning against Saiki, feeling tired. She was up later the previous night due to her father yelling at her twin Uncles about something that happened in high school. Something having to do with one of her twin Uncles going out on a date with her mother. Then yelling about her mother seeming like a man instead of a women in high school. As you can imagine, the girl never got sleep when she kept getting dragging into all of the conversations.

"My parent had gotten a camera for the occasion. I couldn't be mean to them. Why didn't you skip? You're obviously tired." Saiki said, letting the girl lean on him. The small bags under her eyes were too visible for Saiki.

"My uncles and parents are here as well. They're in that fancy booth, as you can see." (Y/n) pointed to a booth in the very front, with something above them to help shade them. Obviously, the boys were wearing something that made all the girls swoon, while Haruhi just wore some jeans, a t-shirt, and some sunglasses. Fancy clothing, nah. Fancy tuna, she'll be up for that.

The twins were on the left side, both having one arm wrapped around one another, while they used their old host club skills to make the girls swoon. Honey was on Mori's lap, while he held onto his stuffed pink bunny, and cheered for his nice. Tamaki and Haruhi were sitting next to one another, hand in hand. Kyoya was was on the very end, his little black notebook still in his hand, while he had a few bodyguards on duty to watch over his family, while there was an ambulance no more than 20 feet away, to make sure if there was any injury to his niece, he would be there to get her to the nearest hospital, which just so happened to be one he owned.

Saiki pointed towards his parents, where they saw Saiki's father taking pictures of his mother, not bothering with the sports day in the first place.

"I hate it when they guilt me." Saiki sighed.

"I'm with you there." (Y/n) sighed as well.

(Y/n) was listening to Nendo and Kaido talk to one another. She laughed as Kaido was yelling at Nendo, while also yelling at Hairo because he was doubting Kaido could do anything.

"Awe. Be nice Hairo. I'm sure Kaido is great at sports. He just needs a little encouragement." (Y/n) smiled, patting the blue haired boy's head, trying to help boost his confidence.

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