Green Tea Ice Cream Pt.2

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"So what do you think of the ice cream?" (Y/n) asked, a (favorite flavor) ice cream in a cup, with (favorite toppings) with/without whipped cream, and a cherry/nothing on top. "It's pretty good, right?"

"Better than I thought it would be," Saiki had vanilla ice cream with pieces of strawberries inside. His ice cream was also in a cup, so none of it went to waste. For Saiki's toppings, he had whipped cream, no cherry, and some rainbow sprinkles. The best part, a chocolate wafer stick to top it all off. "Your mom was right, the ice cream really is pretty good."

"Apparently mom and Uncle Hikaru went on a date about 10 years ago when mom was working in Karuizawa during the spring break," (Y/n) put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, before she slightly cringed at the pain in her teeth from the cold treat. "But obviously that never seemed to happen, and now she's with dad. Besides, I think my uncles are happy to be single. Besides, I never know if they decide to adopt a kid and they'll be my cousin."

"I guess having a cousin would be nice," Saiki said, putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, not effected by the cold. Saiki and his brother were the only kids form both their parents side of the family (I am unsure if Kurumi or Kuniharu have any siblings but I don't believe they do) so cousins were not people he's used to being around. The only thing he had was a very annoying older brother. "Too bad my brother isn't my cousin, I wouldn't be fully related to him and he could be someone else's problem."

"But he's been spending about 5 years in the UK anyways," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "So he's not physically here with you, and you can't hear his thoughts."

"Yeah, but always hacks the TV's in the school and at home to try and bug me," Saiki's face turned annoyed. "I hate it when he does that. It feels like everyone I absolutely hate just try and annoy me half to death every day."

"Do I count as one of those people that annoy you?" (Y/n) asked curiously. Half of her knew his answer, while the other half was curuous if he had a different answer.

"You're on the top of the list." Saiki blinked. His face was smashed into his ice cream the next second.

"So, mind telling me why Saiki's face is covered in ice cream?" Tamaki asked, as he saw his daughter and her best friend suddenly teleport back to the inn. "And why does he looked pissed off?"

"I smashed his face into ice cream because he said I was on the top of his list of people who annoy him," (Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms. She wasn't actually mad, but she might as well just be a little dramatic.

"How dare you!" And now Tamaki was back to the way he was during high school, unpredictable. "My daughter is the least annoying person in the entire world! She is a god sent from heaven to bless this world with her purity!"

Saiki just rolled his eyes. He's already gotten an earful of Tamaki praising his daughter. He just used his powers and went to his room to take a shower and change clothes, since some of the ice cream had gotten into his pink hair.

"Dad, he's gone." (Y/n) said.

"I wasn't even done talking to that little punk!" Tamaki started rambling and fuming.

His daughter decided to go find one of her uncles and spend some time with them since Saiki is going to be a while. She entered the inn, and found Kyoya sitting at the bar, where there was no alcoholic drinks in sight.

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