Cream Horn

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"Seems like everyone is really mad at Mr. Matsuzaki again. Was he confiscating peoples things again?" (Y/n) asked, walking into the classroom as she saw the gym teacher dragging out large things from the classroom. "That's a lot of stuff, I wonder how the students managed to get it all here in the classroom without needing to take the doors down."

"That's what I wonder myself. But the creators just love to make my life miserable." Saiki said back to her, as he watched the P.E. teacher walk down the hall, dragging the stuff behind him.

"Wait what?"


Both Saiki and (Y/n) were both currently walking together though the halls. They just talked to one another about some thins with their families, but there was a strange conversation going on through the halls. There were three students talking about Mr. Matsuzaki.

"Matsuzaki really ticks me off!" Takahashi yelled to two other boys from their class. "How could that jerk take my Gorillabbit!?"

"I wish we could get back at Matsusuckypervysnoopycockyyuckyjerky." One of the boys said.

"What a creative name." Sarcasm was dripping form (Y/n)'s words. This wasn't the first time she was hearing some people complain of Mr. Matsuzaki.

"This happens way too often in this school. But that always happens with students if we're going to be honest." Saiki said, sighing.

"Is that a magic incantation?" Saiki asked, looking at his smaller (sorry if you're taller than 5'4. It can vary depending on which platform you're reading/watching it on) friend.

"We're going to make him pay!" One boy said.

"But how?" Takahashi asked.

"Hey I just thought of something you guys. A good way to mess with Matsusuckypervysnoopycockyyuckyjerky." The other boy said.

"Oh boy." Saiki said, knowing they were going to do something stupid.

"This isn't going to go very well now is it?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her green glasses friend.

"For them it might not be." Saiki said, knowing this was not going to end well for them.

(Y/n) and Saiki both watched at Mr. Matsuzaki had ran away from his locker, hiding something in his arms.

"What do you think that was about?" (Y/n) asked, not knowing what they had planned since she had to leave to help a teacher earlier before hearing the stupid plan they had made.

"They made a love letter from a student and left it in his locker. They're hoping he's a pervert, but this isn't going to end well for them." Saiki said, listening to the three idiotic boys on the other side.

"When does it not?" (Y/n) asked, a small smirk coming onto her face.

The two friends listened to what the letter said, and (Y/n) had to cover her mouth from laughing. It was hilarious to her that they thought that letter was a good letter. Saiki just had a disturbed face.

"That was the worst love letter I've ever heard! This is funny!" (Y/n) laughed in her head, unable to contain her laughter in her head, almost giving them away with her putter laughter.

"Oh god. Please tell me I won't get a love letter like that, or you're going to write something like that either." Saiki hopped, knowing that would prep him out, and she would creep someone out.

"Not unless I want to scare someone." (Y/n) said, and patted her friend on his shoulder, and started following the three idiots.

(Y/n) and Saiki were both outside of the school, looking at their teacher and classmates with a bored expression.
"This isn't going to go well at all." (Y/n) commented, resting her head on her friends shoulder. "Mr. Matsuzaki is gonna be here all night since no one is actually going to show up."
"Can't really do much. We can just wait. Did you tell your dad you were staying after?" Saiki asked, knowing (Y/n) would be in trouble if her father didn't know where she was.
"I told him. He said video tape what happens cause he knows it won't be in the students favor." (Y/n) said. She did get a little bit of her mischievous side form her father, but mostly her mother.

It's been a few hours, and it was already night time. (Y/n)'s head rested against her friends shoulder, fast asleep. She was asleep while she was standing, so her legs were gonna give out any second.
Saiki sighed, and decided to take care of things himself. He became a girl, confronted Matsuzaki, while all getting it on tape for (Y/n).

Soon enough, Saiki woke his friend up. "I took care of things. Don't worry, I got your video."

"Wish I was awake to see it. Would've been funnier." (Y/n) rubbed her eyes, but she was starting to fall back a sleep.
Saiki picked his friend up, and teleported her to her room. "Just sleep."

"Fine." And soon enough, she fell asleep.
Saiki went home, feeling like today was a successful day to get back at his classmates.

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