Icebox Cake

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"Time to go!" Kurumi opened the doors to the boys bedroom, where Saiki and his father was sleeping. "(Y/n)'s already packing up so come on!"

        "We're leaving already?" Kuniharu asked, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

        Saiki was already behind is father, putting away his futon.

        "Oh honey your bed head looks as crazy as ever," Kurumi smiled, loving the little details she notices about him. "Dad's giving us a ride so hurry up and get ready!"

        (Y/n) was sitting on Saiki's lap as both of them were looking out the window at the lovely scenery.

        "Thank you for having us," Kurumi was sitting in between her son and husband in the back of the car while Kumagoro driving and Kumi in the passengers seat. "It was nice to spend time together as a family, and (Y/n) I'm sure had a lot of fun with us, isn't that right sweetie?"

        "A lot of fun!" (Y/n) was definently telling Kyoya about the amusement park and how unsafe that was. She was not going to be risking children's lives because of some amusement park that nearly killed Kuniharu.

        "Oh I hope that we can come back soon." Kurumi was sad to be leaving her home town, since that was where she grew up and her parents were, of course she was going to miss the place.

        "You may be back sooner than you think." Kumagoro defiantly had something up his sleeve.

        "What a pain," Saiki sighed as his arms were wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist. "He's up to something again."

        "What time is our train leaving?' Kuniharu asked. "There are only 2 or 3 leave here a day so if we miss it then we'll be-"

        "Oh," Kumagoro said as the car started to slow down. "Darn, I ran out of gas."

        "What?" Kurumi asked, leaning forward to talk to her father better. "That's terrible! There aren't any gas stations around here."

        "Oh how careless of me." On the outside the grandfather looked sad, but on the inside he couldn't be happier.

        "He took the gas out, didn't he?" (Y/n) asked.

        "Yep." Saiki answered.

        "You already put the can back into the trunk before we left, didn't you?" (Y/n) asked again.

        "You know it," Saiki smirked. "You noticed it too, didn't you?"

        "Of course I did." (Y/n) gave a small smirk.

        As they continued, there was a large rock slide in front of them. It actually looked pretty bad. There was almost a slip up about Saiki's powers and (Y/n)'s powers.

        "This wasn't your grandfathers doing, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking out the window.

        "Not that I know of." Saiki got out of the car with (Y/n) trailing behind. Kurumi and Kuniharu already got out of the car to inspect the rockslide, while also getting a little bit of privacy to talk to one another about Saiki using his powers. He lead the way past his mom and dad, and took a look over to his mom. "i think it's time."

        "You're letting them tell your grandparents about our powers?" (Y/n) asked, following her best friend to stand in front of the rocks.

        "Kusuo and (Y/n), both have psychic powers." And right as Kurumi said that, Saiki used his levitation powers.

        Saiki's grandparents both yelled in shock, before they started to communicate to one another without actually making a sound.

        "Honestly they're taking this better than when the twins were told about my powers," (Y/n) thought back to when she was around 4, and Tamaki and Haruhi thought it would be best to tell the twins about (Y/n)'s powers now. They were the last ones to find out, since both parents knew how crazy they could be. Let's just say, the twins passed out, woke up, passed out when their heard (Y/n)'s voice inside their head, woke up again, processed everything, and then passed out. At least Saiki's grandparents weren't passing out more than a couple times.

        "Psychic powers?" Kumi asked, finally finding her voice. "You mean like slight of hand?"

        "Well," Kurumi kinda didn't know how to explain it to her parents. "Close but not quite."

        "Wait, side kick powers?" Kumagoro asked.

        "Ok getting colder." Kurumi said.

        Both grandparents were sitting on pillows in a parking area, where all four of the younger human beings stood in front of the oldest ones.

        "Uh yeah, it's probably better if he just shows you what he can do," Kuniharu said, thinking that a demonstration would be better than words. "Levitation."

        Saiki started to float with (Y/n) sitting in his lap while his legs were criss crossed.


        Saiki held up his right hand, which showed a flame.


        Saiki teleported somewhere and came back with completely different clothes, looked like Hawaii. Flower shirt, flower necklace, hat, sunglasses, and it looked like a tiki statue.

        Sadly Saiki's grandparents looked like they still weren't grasping everything.

        "Hm," Kuniharu said, seeing their faces. "They're still not getting it. Well how about Psychokinesis?"

        Saiki brought two large rocks in front of him while he held up his right hand.

        "That's enough!" Kumagoro said, standing up. "I can understand Kusuo's powers fine now. I just need some time to think now leave me alone." He turned around and started walking away.

        "What about (Y/n)?" Kumi seemed to have gained her voice back.

        "She only has telepathy," Kurumi said, explaining (Y/n)'s power now. "That's why her and Ku always seem to be talking to one another without actually moving their lips. They like to talk to each other using their telepathy powers to keep people out of their conversations."

        "So dreary, how was it visiting Saiki's grandparents place?" Haruhi asked, sipping some tea.

        "It was fine," (Y/n) set her bag down in her room and sat down on her bed. "They found out about our powers. They took it better than the twins honestly. Freaked out, found out some more about Saiki's powers, and now they are thinking about his powers. Luckily they aren't going to spill the beans on us, they're too afraid of Uncle Kyoya to spill anything."

        "That's understandable," Haruhi sat down on her daughters bed as well. "Did you think a little more about how you feel about Kusuo? You've already described how you were feeling when he went after Teruhashi during your Okinawa trip, granted it was because there was a bear, but still. You also said you weren't really happy about her mother saying Yuuta was like their son when she came over after the holiday break."

        (Y/n) laid down on her back, and started to think for a moment. "I guess I have a crush on him."

        I feel so bad that I got like, 5 chapters out on Sunday, one out yesterday, and one out today. I feel, so tired, and so bad. Sorry people. Hope I'll be able to get another chapter out today. I'm currently on my 12 cup of tea in the last 3 hours, so hopefully I can stay awake long enough to get this stuff done. If not, call the police cause I probably collapsed. Bye bye!

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