Cheesecake Pt.2

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        "I have another slight problem." Saiki thought to his friend, who was currently in a different class room, running some errands for the teacher.

        "What's wrong now? Nendo? Kaido? Or is it Teruhashi again?" (Y/n) asked, thanking the teacher and started making her way back to her assigned classroom.

        "Yumehara again. Everything is going down hill for her and her boyfriend. She say's his feet smell, jaw pops out of place when laughing, rude to staff members, chews loudly, worst fashion sense, and hold his chopsticks weirdly." Saiki said, trying to listen to see if there was anything else that could help him make sure Yumehara doesn't start liking him again. He would prefer if it was (Y/n) liking him instead.

        "Wow. I can see why she would start to dislike him so much." (Y/n) thought, opening the door to the classroom and dropped off the papers on the teachers desk.

        "I need to make sure that they get back together. That she will never leave him. Do you think you could help me?" Saiki asked his friend, needing some help.

        "What do you need me to do?"

        "Yumehara!" (Y/n) shouted, walking over to her classmate, and took a seat in front of her. "Hey. Why do you look so sad?"

        "Because my boyfriend forgot it's our anniversary!" Yumehara just started to spill every little detail of what was so negative about her boyfriend. "His feet smell bad, he's mean to staff members, his jaw unhooks whenever he laughs, and he holds his chopsticks in a weird way, he chews so loudly and he has the worst taste in clothes! I'm so done with it!"

        "Well, why don't you tell me what you hope he does for your anniversary." (Y/n) said, trying to get her classmate to spill the beans.

        "I was hoping he could give me a little stuffed bunnyI saw in the shop." Yumehara said, showing (Y/n) a picture of the bunny she wanted. "Then I was hoping we could maybe go to the arcade, just go for a nice walk and end the day with a nice meal together."

        "That sounds really nice. I wish I had a guy that would do that for me." (Y/n) smiled, trying to hide her obvious annoyance, while she was sending the information to Saiki.

        "What!? You could have any guy you wanted here in the school! I'm sure there would be a guy that would do that for you." Yumehara tried to reassure her classmate.

        "I don't know. I don't want a guy that will treat me like I'm some high class person. I want a guy that will treat me like a normal human being, and that could treat me like I'm just a normal person. I don't want to have a guy that will make me the highest person, or like I'm some big shot. I want a guy, that doesn't care about this stuff." (Y/n) admitted. She wasn't sure why she was admitting some of this stuff to Yumehara, but she was guessing talking to someone about something bugging her was something she just needed to get off of her chest.

        "I'm sure there is someone like that who will treat you the way you want. I'm sure there is." Yumehara encouraged, knowing that could probably help a little.

        The bell rang, and (Y/n) went back to her original seat. "Thanks for the talk!"

        "Anytime!" Yumehara shouted back, happy she was able to talk to someone about her problems.

        Little did (Y/n) know, a certain pink haired boy had been thinking about (Y/n), and was happy to know that he was the one who would treat her how she wanted. He smirked, knowing no one would really treat her the way she wants.

        "Do you need my help anymore?" (Y/n) asked him, walking wit him out of the school.

        ​​​​​​​"Nah. I think I have everything in the bag." Saiki said, and walked away from his friend, getting his plan started.

        (Y/n) was in her room, watching some TV, when Saiki suddenly appeared on her bed, and collapsed.

        "What happened to you?" (Y/n) asked, crawling on to the bed and laid next to him, waiting for his response.

        "Everything was going to great, until his flaws started to show, and the one she had for him had dropped down to zero. All that hard work had just gone down the drain." Saiki said, upset about the entire day just going down hill for him.

        "Do you want me to ask Uncle Honey to get you some cake or something else?" (Y/n) asked, patting his head gently, trying to help him get his headache to go away, and lighten the mood up just a little bit.

        Saiki simply nodded.

        (Y/n) smiled, before she left her room to get a cake form her Uncle, hoping Saiki would feel better with the cake.

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