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        "Dinner is at 18000 hours on the first floor dinning hall," Hairo was currently explaining the rest of the da plans. The sun was already setting and the sky looked beautiful. "Each class has 20 minutes to take a bath. After that we'll have free time but you're not allowed to leave the hotel."

"Thank goodness the first day is almost over," Saiki held up a piece of paper. "Wish I could relax but the real hell is about to start."

"It's cause of who you're roomed with, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking over her friends shoulder. "So you're stuck with Kaidou, Nendou, and Takahashi's group?"

"Sadly," Saiki sighed a little. "Are you going to be alright sharing a room with Mera's group along with Yumehara and Teruhashi?"

"I think I'll be alright," (Y/n) rested her chin on her friends shoulder. "I'm more worried about what will happen when we go to the bath. I don't want some guys to be staring at me."

"Don't worry," Saiki gave a small devilish smile. "I'll take care of it."

(Y/n) had finished eating earlier than most of the girls. She was currently sitting in the baths with Teruhashi and Yumehara. The girl was currently sitting on the edge with her feet dipped in, a towel wrapped around her chest.

"Do you think any of the guys are going to try and peek on us?" Yumehara asked, sitting down in the water with Teruhashi.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Teruhashi smiled. "I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to see me. Of course, who wouldn't want to look at the most perfect and pretty girl in the world?"

"I really don't see what is so special about seeing naked bodies," Saiki said to his friend, as he sat on the other side. "They do not surprise me really."

"Wait, does that mean you've seen me naked before?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if he has.

"Yes," Saiki was kinda glad (Y/n) cannot see his face at the moment. The pink haired boy's face was completely red.

"Even so, the reason guys really want to see a girls naked body, or any gender wanting to see someone's body no matter what gender they are (no discrimination towards my LGBT+ readers out there), they're going to be sexually attracted to them. Or some are asexual, and they don't find any gender sexually attractive (ok this part really depends on who you ask cause it varies on who you ask. I am not asexual so I do not know what asexuality is like)." (Y/n) slipped into the water gently, barely causing a ripple in the water. "Besides, you never know if you're going to be sexually attracted to someone until you meet the right person."

"What if I told you I already met that person?" Saiki asked as his glasses were currently fogging up.

"You did?!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. Her heart started to hurt a little. Saiki already finding someone he's sexually attracted too? Here she thought he was asexual and aromatic (again it depends on who you ask because I am not fully educated on that subject). "You have to tell me who it is!"

"No," Saiki denied. This was payback for her not telling him who she likes. "Unless you tell me who you like, I won't tell you who I am attracted you."

"Awe come on Saiki!" (Y/n) whined on the inside, while on the outside she had a bit of a scrunched up face. "I really want to know! You've already heard who I've liked throughout my life, now it's time you tell me yours!"

Read My Mind (Saiki K x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now