Ice Cream Sunday

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"Hey (Y/n), do you think you could help me out?" Saiki asked in her head, while she was sitting down in class.

"What did you do now?" (Y/n) asked, taking a sip form her water bottle.

"Look outside." Saiki instructed.

(Y/n) looked outside, only to see him and the green haired boy being carried away into an ambulance. "You changed Takahashi's body temperature, so when you were trying to get rid of the evidence, you ended up getting caught, Nendo watched you, and said you had the same body temperature problem."

"Dead right." Saiki said, and watched as he was put into the ambulance. He really didn't want this to happen today. "Do you think you can tell them to take both of us to your uncles hospital, or at least take me to your uncles hospital?"

(Y/n) sighed. She raised her hand. "Teacher. Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure thing." The teacher smiled, letting the girl go head to the bathroom.

"So your friend had used his powers, and now people think he has 92.8 C degrees? And you want my hospital to help cover for him?" Kyoya asked, trying to understand what his niece was trying to tell him.

"Please Uncle Kyoya?" (Y/n) begged her Uncle. She could get whatever she wanted form the other 4, but Kyoya was a tough nut to crack. "I promise, I'll make sure he doesn't do that ever again."

"You better. I can't keep covering for your friend." Kyoya sighed. Hiding the medical records wasn't very easy, and not exactly honest, but his niece needed help, so he will provide it for her. "Next time I come over, I hope you bring that friend of yours. I would like to talk to him about his powers, and give him a warning for making me cover for him again."

"Thank you Uncle Kyoya!" (Y/n) beamed, before she hung up the phone.

A few days later, (Y/n) was walking down the halls. She was getting praises and gifts form her fans, which she kindly accepted, and gave a sweet thanks and smile.

She was about to walk into the classroom, before she found herself face to face with a boy with blue hair, and bandages around his arm. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Excuse me." (Y/n) knew he was upset, just by the sound of his voice. He walked away quickly.

"I wonder what that was all about..." (Y/n) mumbled, before she opened the door. There, stood Saiki.

"Come with me." Saiki instructed.

"Wait what are you-" (Y/n) wasn't able to finish her sentence, before Saiki grabbed her wrist, and they started walking away form the classroom. "Saiki. Can you please tell me why you are dragging me off away from the classroom? Class is going to start any minute."

"Let's just say you don't want to be around that snake." Saiki said, and took her to the stair way, before he sat himself down on the 3 step. "There's going to be screaming in about 3...2...1..."

"SNAKE!" The entire class screamed.

(Y/n) sighed. "Do you want me to call animal control?"

"Nah. Let's just let Kaido take this one. He was crying cause the other kids were making fun of him before you go to the classroom door." Saiki said, crossing his eyes to look inside the classroom.

A blur of white, blue, and peach zoomed by the two. "And there he goes."

"5...4...3...2...1..." Saiki counted down, before there was a sudden bright light. "I took care of the snake. Just a little bit of lighting."

"I think you just gave Kaido false hope. His ego just got a large boost, which can't be good." (Y/n) thought, and gave out a sigh.

"Do you have that French pastry with you by any chance?" Saiki asked, looking at his friend.

(Y/n) reached into her bag, before grabbing the pastry, and handed it to him. "Hope you like. If you want more, I can ask dad to order some more."

"Thanks." ​​​​​​​Saiki thanked his friend.

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