Apple Cider Doughnuts

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        "I'm going to guess you had a rough summer?" (Y/n) asked her best friend. Saiki had suddenly teleported to (Y/n)'s room after his last hectic day of summer break, which was sadly a date with Teruhashi. The good part, Yuuta was there, so that made things a little better. Of course, (Y/n) did not like it that Teruhashi had asked him on a date, and what was worse, was Saiki actually accepted the invite.

        "You have no idea," Saiki sighed, not wanting to talk about his summer. Here he thought it would just be him and his crush spending time together, but it was all ruined. "I hate everyone."

        "Even me?" (Y/n) teased a little.


        "Excuse you!"

        (Y/n), do you think we can talk for a moment?" Haruhi knocked on her daughters door, but didn't open it for her daughters privacy. "There's something that your father and I want to talk to you about."

        "Sure thing mom," (Y/n) got off her bed and made her way to her bedroom door. "Why do I have a really bad feeling like I'm going to be doing something that I really don't want to be doing?"

        "Probably cause that's what's gonna happen." Saiki shrugged his shoulders as he sat in his friends bean bag chair.

        There was silence for a moment, before (Y/n) screamed.


        (Y/n) was currently sitting in a limo with a fellow teenager. She was not enjoying this car ride one bit, not one bit.

        "So my precious flower, how have you been doing without your amazing fiancé around?" Mentori Saiko, a fellow high society kid who uses his money to flaunt his powers, along with a brain that came from the dollar store.

        "My father never accepted your fathers marriage proposal, and I never remember accepting your marriage proposals, when we were 11," (Y/n) glared, her legs crossed and her bag resting on her lap. "And the only reason I had agreed to come with you to school on your first day is because dad thought it would be nice for me to talk to you again, after almost 5 years of not talking."

        "You mean you didn't get my letters and flowers?" Saiko asked, wondering if all those roses and letters he sent to (Y/n) over the last five years had even gotten to her.

        "Oh if only you knew," (Y/n) remembered specifically burning all those roses and letters in the fire place. Yeah, she really doesn't like him, but he seems to sure like her. "Saiko-"

        "Call me Metori, sweetheart," He cut her off only to try and smooth talk her.

        "Saiko," (Y/n) was not going to play into his games that easily. "Please do not cause any trouble for the students in my class. I would very much so appreciate it if you would not be a rude person to them."

        "Whatever my precious fiancé wants, my fiancé shall receive." Saiko took (Y/n)'s right hand into his, and gave her a small hand kiss.

        (Y/n) jumped out of the limo as fast as she could and ran to her classroom, and nearly tackled Saiki to the floor. "Disinfectant spray! Now!"

        Saiki reached into his bad and got the requested item, handing it to (Y/n). (Y/n) started to spray her right hand like crazy.

        "What even happened?" Saiki asked. "Was it that bad of a car ride?"

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