♥️Valentines Day Chocolates♥️

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This is a non-canon chapter. This is to just celebrate Valentine's Day. The actual canon chapter of Valentine's Day will come out in the order of each event in each episode. Bye now.

"Happy Valentines Day my little Princess!" (Y/n) opened her (e/c) eyes, only to be met with violet eyes, and blonde hair.

"Dad...it's 12 in the morning...let me sleep..." (Y/n) groaned, hitting her head on the pillow.

"But you're daddys little princess! Daddy is supposed to treasure his little girl, and protect his little girl from boys!" Tamaki wrapped his daughter up in his arms. "I will protect you from all boys!!"

"Mom!" (Y/n) shouted.

The door suddenly burst open, and there was Haruhi. She looked tired, and especially angry. "Tamaki! Get back to bed now! It's 12 in the morning!"

Tamaki flinched, before setting (Y/n) back down on the bed. "I'm sorry honey..."

Now it was the right time to get up, after a good 7 hours later.

"I'm heading to school!" (Y/n) yelled, before running out of the family mansion.

"Hikaru and Kaoru are taking you to school!" Haruhi yelled after her daughter, right as the front doors shut.

Haruhi was right. The Hitachiin limo was outside of the Shuo household. The window rolled down, only to show the two famous designers.

"(Y/n)! Come on! We're giving you a ride today!" Hikaru shouted, resting his body on the windowsill.

"Gotta impress all those boys." Kaoru said, slinging his arm over his older brothers shoulder, resting his other arm and chin on the windowsill of the car.

Hikaru's phone buzzed. He picked it up, and answered the phone.

"She is not going near any boys!" Tamaki's voice shouted from the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry boss. Everything will be alright. She'll be perfectly safe." The twins said at the same time. They purposely made their voices sound scary, kinda like what they did when they were still in high school.

"Don't you dare-!" Hikaru hung up the phone, and tossed it back into the limo, not really caring about where it would end up landing.

"Ready to get going?" Kaoru asked, getting off his twin brother.

"Ready!" (Y/n) smiled, and opened the limo door, and got in.

"Don't you dare drive away!" Tamaki's voice was muffled form the car's window. He was running towards the car, still in his teddy bear pjs, along with a teddy bear night shirt.

"Floor it!" (Y/n) yelled to the driver, a smile on her face.

The limo started driving, while Tamaki was trying to run after the limo, not trusting the twins.

"Don't worry Princess! Daddy is on his way!" Tamaki yelled, running after the car, determined to get his daughter out of the 'shady twins' car.

"She's here!" The voices of many boys started flooding into (Y/n)'s head. Some of them were excited talking, others were yelling. She covered her head, feeling a small headache coming.

"You alright?" Hikaru asked, leaning down to his nieces level, trying to see if there was something wrong with her.

"Just, all those voices...they're all so loud sometimes." (Y/n) groaned.

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