Black Coffee Is An Acquired Taste I

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James would've been more than willing to get down and dirty if Oliver was just some guy. But he wasn't. It was Oliver. His Oliver. Oliver, with his round, pouty lips and big eyes. And he cared about him.

"Well," James started, trying to figure out what the best response is. "Whenever you feel comfortable. And I'm sure we'll have to get rid of sir Arlington."

"I don't mind him." Oliver shrugged. "I'm not shy, and besides, he sleeps like a comatose patient." He kissed him on the cheek. "We'll have to think about it."

James chuckled. "Oh trust me, I'm going to keep thinking about it."

They waited for Victor to wake up all morning.

For someone who looked perpetually tired, Victor sure slept a lot when left to his own devices. It was almost noon, and he was still merged with his mattress, his cheek mushed into his pillow.

Oliver was crouching next to him, checking his breathing. "We have to catch the bus, or we'll have to wait for another hour and a half," he said. "I thought he'd be up by now."

James walked next to Victor's bed and rolled him on his back. Just like a dead body. He leaned over and covered his nose and mouth. One beat, nothing. Two beats, nothing. James thought he was going to suffocate. Then Victor stirred and opened his eyes. James pulled his hand back.

"What's wrong with you?" He coughed. He sounded too numbed by sleep to be angry. Oliver beamed with happiness and hugged Victor's head to his chest.

"Aww, your hair's all up." Oliver chuckled. Victor didn't pull away; he never pulled away from Oliver. It was always from James. It irked him so much sometimes he thought he might get an ulcer from it.

"Go get dressed, sleeping beauty," James said. "We're not missing the bus because of you."

"What bus?" Victor yawned, his cheek against Oliver's chest. James wanted to shake him, but his eyes were so unfocused he decided against it.

"We're going to town," Oliver said, this time flattening Victor's hair, as gently as he could. Again, Victor didn't pull away.

"Ah." He looked at Oliver, then at James, then back at Oliver. "I still don't think this is a good idea."

"It's only because you want to go back to sleep." Oliver pouted just a bit and took his hands. "Please, please, please, come! Please!"

Victor sighed and got out of bed. "Fine, great. I'm going to third wheel with the over-affectionate couple."

"Do it for the free lunch." James watched him pick some clothes from the closet before walking into the bathroom.

Oliver hugged James. "Are you upset?" He asked, kissing his neck. "You look upset."

"No, Ollie." He hugged him back. "I just hope I don't end up in a fight with your new best friend."

"My new best friend?" Oliver looked up. James wanted to kiss every freckle on his face.


"Don't be jealous," Oliver said, cupping his face.

"I'm not jealous." He was very much so. "He's just not my favorite person and... also... you know..." He leaned down towards him so he could whisper. "I don't know how to talk to him. And it's gotten even worse after... you know."

"I know," he said, nodding, "I do, but try? Please?"

"I am, sweetheart, I am." He kissed his forehead. "Look at us, being an over-affectionate couple." He smiled.

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