Another Solution

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They finished eating. Victor lay on his back in the middle of the room and glared at the ceiling.

"Up," James demanded. "Come one; we have to clean this place up. Mini-fridge, remember?"

Victor grunted but obliged.

They sorted through all the papers and junk, and surprisingly, it didn't take that long. James was pleased with himself. He didn't even get into an argument with Victor. Not even once.

"How are you feeling?" James asked, placing the last of Victor's books on his desk. Victor shrugged and sat on the floor.

"Fine, I guess." He glanced around. "It looks odd. I've never seen this room so tidy."

James laughed and sat next to him. They were close; he could almost feel Victor's arm against his.

"I think I deserve a soda,"

Victor gave him an unopened can. None of them said anything for a few minutes, but for once, the silence between them was soothing.

James did his best not to stare, not to think too much about Victor, or Oliver. He was stuck between the constant fear of losing his boyfriend and the devastating need to kiss Victor.

"Let's do something," James said. "We can watch one of your gory movies."

"Sure." Victor agreed and fell asleep twenty-five minutes into the movie.

James realized this when Victor turned on his side and stretched his arm over his stomach. His ears started ringing, but he didn't move. Ecstasy itched beneath his skin while shame flooded his mind. There he was, on the brink of a breakup, thinking all the wrong things again, feeling all the wrong feelings. He thought of reaching over and hugging him to his chest. He thought of Oliver walking in and finding another reason to dump him.

James had to wage war on himself in order to leave the bed.

The next day passed. And so did the next, like a blur of hours. James was losing his sanity. There was no word from Oliver, and he couldn't just approach him after agreeing to give him space and time.

He went to town with Victor to buy a mini-fridge. It was at least a distraction and an opportunity to have lunch in another place that wasn't the campus. Victor sat across from him. He looked slightly better, but he'd been sleeping an obnoxious amount of time too. They didn't fight once. They didn't bicker, and James figured that as long as he kept his bullshit in check, Victor wouldn't offer any gratuitously.

It was three days later that James finally got a text from Oliver. He wanted to meet but wasn't sure where. James had all the ideas rush into his head at once; outside, bedroom, cafeteria, library, gym. He had to take a deep breath and relax and consider what he was about to reply.

Let's go outside? It's not raining.


He didn't like the sort answers coming from Oliver; they sounded cold. But he grabbed his jacket and stumbled to put his shoes on.

"Oliver?" Victor asked, not looking away from his laptop screen.

"Yeah," James said before sprinted out. He didn't remember the last time he ran for anything.

Oliver was waiting outside, dressed in a puffy yellow jacket. His hands were in his pockets. James wanted to wrap his arms around him and hug him and hold him against his chest. He didn't. He wasn't sure if it would've been appropriate.

"Hi," James said.

"Hello," Oliver tilted his head and frowned. "You look upset."

"Ollie, don't joke. I think I might faint."

Oliver chuckled. "Let's sit before you do."

James walked behind him, trying not to have another breakdown in front of him. Oliver was purposely mean, not offering any clue, any indication about their current status. Guessing was never his favorite game.

They found an empty bench and sat down. Oliver looked at him and laughed again.

"Oh, Jamie-James, you look horrible."

"Stop it," James whined. "I'm suffering."

Oliver pinched his cheek. "I'm sorry I took so long." He continued. "I just had to sort through some feelings first and figure some things out."

"And?" James was sure it was possible to burst out of his skin. He couldn't stop tapping his foot.

"Well..." Oliver shrugged. "I think I'm ok with you liking Victor."

"It'll pass," James started, "It's just a crush, right? People get crushes all the time, it's ok, right?"

"Does it have to?"

It was as if someone kicked him behind the knees. Those four words felt like a concussion.


"Does it have to pass?" Oliver repeated. "I ugh... might've spilled the proverbial beans, dude. I talked to my dad about it and -"

"You talked to your dad?! I didn't even meet him, and now he's gonna think I'm horrible!"

"You're more dramatic than I remember." Oliver chuckled and took his hands. "Stop it. It's fine. He's like, really cool, you know."

"Jesus Christ."

"Yeah, and he said that you sound like a nice guy. He might've suggested that I look into what polyamory is. And I did."

"What? Your dad?"

"He's a psychologist." Oliver didn't seem to grasp how odd the situation was. James couldn't wrap his head around the situation.

"Your dad."

"Yeah, dude." Oliver laughed. "Calm down. I looked into it, and I think I'm cool with it."


James asked again. Words didn't mean anything to him anymore.

"I think the cold is affecting your brain," Oliver said. Amusement was plastered all over his face. "You're adorable when you're confused. We cal talk about it more, if you want."

"I think I do? I'm not sure? I'm - I'm not sure what's happening right now."

"I don't know. We're waging war on monogamy? Freezing? Both? I also want to eat, so can we like... go inside before I die?"

James knew he was staring at him, yet he did nothing to avert his eyes. Oliver smiled and hugged him.

"I want soup."

"I love you," James answered.

Oliver kissed his cheek. 

Author's note<3: 

Hahaha, surprise?! Isn't Oliver like... the best? 

Or maybe it's Ollie's father? Don't worry, we'll get to meet him soon! 

What do you think? Can this work? 🤔🤔🤔

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