Desire Dream

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Warning - Slightly NSFW content! 

When Victor returned from the party, he didn't barge in the room. James woke up when he felt his body next to him. It was a surprise. Victor slept alone unless Oliver or James asked him to join them.

James wrapped an arm around Victor. "Hey."

"Did I wake you?" Victor asked; his voice was soft. He wasn't drunk, but he did sound slightly tipsy. James pecked his forehead.

"No. Did you have fun?"

Victor shrugged, then yawned. He was slowly moving the tips of his fingers over Jame's arm. It made every hair on his body pretend they're in the army.

"It was fine."

"Ok, we can talk tomorrow." James kissed his forehead again.

He heard Victor hum while nodding. James was relieved that he wasn't blitzed out of his mind.

James fell asleep soon, and all his repressed desires came to life in his dreams. The blurry images that he could never remember in the morning turned into Oliver and Victor. They were in their room; everything was the same.

Victor was on his back, shirtless, and Ollie was sitting on his lap. James' eyes wanted to glue themselves to each inch of that image, while also wanting to take everything in. There was something utterly maddening about how Victor's waist tapered between Oliver's thick, freckled thighs.

Oliver touched Victor's chest, moving his hands over his stomach and finally stopping at his belt. He smiled, his eyes glimmering and bright green, then he leaned in and kissed Victor right on the lips.

James' head was spinning. He couldn't stand, even if every inch of his body demanded him to. The way Oliver kissed Victor was the same way James wanted to; passionate, deep, hungry. Like he wanted to devour him.

Victor gripped onto Oliver's hips. He moaned. James felt his pants tight; he felt an urgent need to at least touch himself.

He couldn't move.

Oliver unbuckled Victor's belt and took his pants down. Before James could take a breath in, Oliver was back on top of Victor, kissing his neck. He made his way towards his navel.

James didn't know who to look at more, who to look at first. He thought he might suffocate, yet no part of him regretted being there.

Oliver kissed Victor's inner thigh, licking his way towards a more sensitive area. Victor gasped, arching his back.

Then Oliver looked at James. He had a mischievous smile on his face.

"Are you just going to stand there and gawk?"

James opened his mouth to say no, he wanted more than anything to join them, but no words came out.

Victor turned his head towards him too. His eyes were full of lust; it was too much to handle.

James woke up. Oliver crawled on top of him, kneeing him dangerously close to his balls.

He shoved himself between him and Victor, forcing James to move closer to the wall. Even if Victor was a dead sleeper, James still didn't want him to end up on the floor.

"I don't want to be a slice of bread in this sandwich," Ollie said.

James wrapped an arm around both of them, still thinking that Victor is dangerously close to the edge.

"I want to be a nice, thick, piece of ham between two hot buns."

"I had the weirdest dream," James sighed. He needed to take a shower quickly. Maybe jerk off too. He was still riled up.

"Oh yeah?" Ollie rolled on his side and touched his chest. "Was it hot?"

"Yeah," James nodded. "Damn, Ollie, it was so hot."

"Was I in it?"

"You and Victor," James admitted, even if his ears were burning. Ollie let out a small chuckle before moving between James' legs.

"Don't do that," James muttered. "I swear..."

"But you're hard, like... I can see it." Ollie poked his dick.

"Thanks, love, I don't know how that happened." James rolled his eyes. Ollie leaned in and kissed him. James didn't remind him that nobody's breath was great in the morning.

"We can take a shower together," Ollie purred, holding him by the waist. "I promise I'll brush my teeth before... or after... depends on what we do."

James was certain he was going to lose his mind. 

Author's note <3: 

It's slightly NSFW! Hope you'll still enjoy it! James yearning finally caught up to him. 

Please consider voting and commenting if you enjoyed it! 

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