Cuddle Huddle

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It started fine.

It started with how are you and how's school? James sat on the edge of his bed, trying not to worry too much about Victor. He wanted to end the call; hearing her voice, and the fake concern churned his stomach. Her words were nice, still, yet James heard the meaning behind them. She didn't care if his grades were fine or not, if he was making friends or if he was happy. She cared if he was still into guys.

"I'm sure there's someone you like," His mother said. James had liked girls in the past, and she was still holding onto the hope that he'll one day have a girlfriend. She didn't understand that it was far more likely for him to fall for a guy. Or two.

"I do," James answered, feeling a sudden urge to tell her about Oliver, about how much he was struggling to deal with his feelings for Victor. He didn't; there was no way she would understand. A part of him craved his parents' approval and was terrified of cutting them off.

"A girl." It was supposed to be a question, but it came out like a demand.

"No, not a girl." He was trying to keep his voice even. James could see the change in her expression even if she wasn't there.

"It's not right, James!" Her voice was high pitched. She was yelling, and the waterfall of words drowned him. James detested this, but he didn't hang up. He listened without hearing, waiting for a brief pause in her rant.

She was sobbing, and it angered him. She was crying, and it hurt him too. He regretted answering his phone and promised that he won't repeat this mistake.

"I don't know what I did wrong! Your father is right! I spoiled you too much! I should've been tougher!"

"I have to go," He interjected the moment she stopped to breathe. He didn't wait for her to answer and hung up.

James grunted and rubbed his temples. He wanted to shout and break something. Instead, he got up and walked out the door. He had to find Victor.

Victor wasn't in the library; he wasn't at the cafeteria, nor the pool. James searched for him through the campus and went out of his way to ask people about him. Nobody knew where Arlington was.

His phone rang again, this time it was Heathen flashing on the dim-lit display.

"Ollie? Sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot you were supposed to get food."

"No, no, it's fine. I think you should come to my room. I found an adorable stray cat wandering around with no shoes on."

"What?" James asked.

"Victor. I found Victor. But don't worry, he's fine. He's wonderful." Oliver chuckled. "Eat the fry, dummy."

"Ok, I'm coming."

James was convinced a small man was living in his head, banging against the inside of his skull with a big hammer.

He walked in Oliver's room without knocking. Ollie was sitting on the floor with Victor's head on his lap. His head was slightly bet over, allowing Victor to play with his curls.

Victor had a huge smile plastered on his face. So did Oliver.

"He's high," Ollie shrugged, not looking at him. "And he's so cuddly, James! Like a kitty. Too bad, he smells like pot."

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