He's Like You But Older

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It was Robert. Out of all the people in the world that could've called him, James most certainly didn't expect his older brother to be the one reaching out. Robert has never been the "keep in touch" kind of person. He wasn't even the "phone call type of person". At lest, he'd remember to send a text every couple of months, on birthdays, and maybe – maybe – give a call on Christmas.

"What?" Victor asked, probably feeling his anxiety.

"It's ugh, my brother." James glared at the screen, not knowing if he should answer or not.

"Pick up!" Ollie encouraged him. "I think it's a good sign."

James listened to Ollie. He trusted his judgment better than he trusted his own.

"Hi," James sat on the edge of his bed in an attempt to not pace around the room. He could hear traffic and soft music in the background.

His brother's voice was confident, amused, friendly. "Yo, dude, I'm glad to see that you're actually still alive."

"Why wouldn't I be?" James asked.

Robert laughed. "Dude, mom talks like you're dead and buried. She's in this weird perpetual state of mourning, and honestly, I can't handle it. I've been avoiding her calls like crazy."

"Are you surprised?" James sighed. "Remember when you wanted to get a tattoo? She almost had a heart attack."

"Oh yeah! Oh, I remember that scene, Jesus Christ. She refused to talk to me for three days. That's how long it took me to cave and promise I'll never get a tattoo." Robert laughed again. "So I got piercings! I call that a pro move."

James couldn't help but smile. He also remembered that scene; their mom was not happy about Robert's earrings.

"Yo, can I visit?" Robert said, pulling James back to reality.

"Here?" James asked, and just as he spoke, he realized how stupid his question was.

"Preferably. I'd rather visit you where you're at, you know."

"Don't be a jackass," James said. "When do you want to come?" He was feeling nervous; he couldn't remember the last time he had a proper conversation with his brother. Before Robert left for college? Robert was ten years older; their relationship mostly consisted of Robert playing babysitter and sneaking in candy.

"Huh, I wasn't expecting a yes. I didn't think that far ahead."

James pinched the bridge of his nose. "Improvise."

"I was always good at improv. That's how I got through most of college. How about tomorrow? I think I can make it there after twelve. Are you busy then?"

"I – no, no, I mean, you can come." James scratched the back of his head. Why was he so damn nervous?

"Great, dude, that's great. Want me to bring anything?" Robert asked.

James shook his head, then remembered Robert can't see him. "No, no, it's fine. See you tomorrow."

James tossed his phone on his pillow and dropped on his back. He had a headache now. At least Robert didn't sound weirded out or disappointed.

"So..." Ollie sat down next to him and touched his thigh.

"So?" James looked at him.

Ollie widened his eyes as if the answer should be obvious. "Your brother. Is he coming?"

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